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Black Space


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What's a brother gotta' do to get a map with some open black space?


I'm not knocking the existing maps, and I realize more open space may not seem visually or tactically as exciting, but it would be nice to have an opportunity to actually, you know, fly a space fighter in space. I'm just saying some less cluttered maps in the mix would be nice. Sometimes less is more.

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Maps that are all or almost all "black space", as you put it, would have balance problems. Let me elaborate on that...


1. Imagine you are in a scout ship and a Strike Fighter starts locking onto you, and you blow your evasion CD, then another or the same Strike Fighter locks onto you again, there would be virtually no way (unless you get lucky and get behind the Fighter before the lock finishes) to avoid the missile, since there isn't any objects or terrain.


2. Another thing: Gunships. Just like the problem with the missile locks, It'd be hard avoiding the gunships' fire without any objects or terrain, unless you happen to have your evasion not on CD.


So, as you could see, these are some of the reasons why Bioware will most likely NOT make a map like this, unless they find a way to solve this problem. The whole map would be littered with Gunships and Strike Fighters with not a Scout in sight.


P.S I'm sorry for being a Debby Downer :p I didn't mean to ruin your idea, but the balance gets in the way.

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I definitely get the PVP balance issues. I think for me this issue has more to do with a lack of PVE. It would be nice actually get a sense of how these fighters operate in the game universe before being thrown into a busy chaotic PVP map.


I do enjoy the mechanics of GSF, but I can't see spending much time with it. I just wish it had more relation to the rest of the game. I'm guessing by the fact that PVE fighters don't even appear in the tutorial that no resources have been allocated to developing a GSF AI. I hope that changes. It seems like a waste for the developers to go through all this effort for what amounts to a mini game.

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