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Questions: Bypass Ability - In flight missile


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My understanding of how Shield Piercing works:


Concussion missile has a 30% chance to completely pass through enemy shields and does full damage to hull. Adding in Bypass (65% increase) would raise this to 95% chance to pass through enemy shields.



If I lock onto a target and fire a missile. . . . and while the missile is inflight, I hit bypass. Will that work? I thought it would, I just want to verify that the missile's chance to pierce can be affected while in flight.


As with Missile locks per a yellow post, once the missile is locked there are only a few ways to avoid it, so this made me think some calculations might be predetermined upon firing.

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I'm not sure whether the shield piercing calculation is done upon firing or upon impact. But I believe shield piercing works differently than you suggest.


My understanding is that shield piercing is the % of the damage of a weapon that goes past the shield and hits the hull directly. So your concussion missiles would reduce their shield facing by 782 damage, and their hull by 335. If you used shield bypass, 1062 would hit the hull and only 55 would hit the shield facing.

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