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Matchmaking seems to be doing something...


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I don't know if its the matchmaking or just luck but the last couple of days ive been dropped into groups that seem to be full of new people fighting another group full of people that are maybe a little less new. Anyone notice this too? It usually results in me getting 15+ kills and 15 medals from defending sats but losing or almost losing.


And I guess I should add that I have one ship mastered and the rest so so. Also que times seem to have gotten a lot longer, don't know if its because people burned out or the matchmaking is effecting it.

Edited by Mallorik
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There is no matchmaking.


Dev blog says otherwise.


"We literally wanted to make the pool of players as large as possible, so everyone from level 1 to level 55 will queue together, taking into consideration how developed your ships are (yes, our matchmaking system will attempt to put beginning players with beginners, and more advanced players with each other—that’s the simple version)."



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What bears consideration is the fact that the queue pool is limited to subscribers at the moment. By the last official account, that's a little more than 1/4 of the active player base (500k subs vs. 1.7M "other"). Once preferred comes online the disparity will be less ... even more so once the doors open to F2P. It may well be a question of bodies at the moment.


Having said that, a lot of players are engaging GSF. I haven't had to wait in a queue longer than 2 minutes since it launched live. There also hasn't been any decrease in FP and ops groups forming up to counteract it. Which means either ground PvP is suffering, or there are more subscribers. Throw in the next wave of preferred players and it should only improve.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Not sure what to make of it - if anything - but it felt different when I started an Imp. I suspect that it may have been my ungeared Imp going up against newbies when I was used to playing more experienced people with more loaded ships.


My main's Rep, I've been upgrading each ship individually because I'm a miser who won't spend CC on converting ship reqs to fleet so as to max one ship. I expect to be in the top third on the scoreboard.


With my beginner's totally unchanged starter ships on Imp I was leading the scoreboard, a couple of times with twice the damage of the next player.


I didn't play loads of games, so maybe it was luck. But I was doing a lot better than I expected. Makes me wonder whether there's some matchmaking based on upgrading, that put my fresh Imp up against people who hadn't played at all. My ego is also telling me that my squad of only partly upgraded ships are getting matched against people with one maxed ship and the rest low (same average). Also felt like the queues were longer on my Rep, implying taking longer to find a match for my set of upgraded ships, but that may be perception and outside factors like time of day.


Would be interested to know how matchmaking is doen, if it really is done. It may be on total upgrades, or average upgrades, or some mixture. Perhaps games played too?


I don't think numbers playing GS are falling, I did notice we got up to six Rep Fleet instances on Friday. I've got used to three, so there are more people online for some reason.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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