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UI Suggestions/Wishlist


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These could be off by default with the ability to toggle them on in the UI preferences.


Team UI

1. Show direction of team members on firing arc circumference just like enemies. Optional options:

- Show all teammates

- Only show squad

- Only show wingman (see below)

- Only show squad and wingman.

2. Ability to mark a wingman while in the hanger (highlight purple when you click on them). Wingman should have a purple name tag, purple firing arc direction indicator, and purple dot on map.

3. Show an ops/group frame for your squad with health, distance, ship type icon, and perhaps even node indicator if they are within say 2500m of a node. Could even make it less, e.g., 1000m.


Enemy UI

1. Indicate in some way that you do not have LOS on a target. It is not always clear if an enemy is behind or in front of an obstacle. Faded if no LOS?

2. Ship type indicators above nameplates?



1. Horizon Indicator on firing arc UI.


Medals Screen

1. Show match duration and UTC timestamp (no timezone offset) indicating the time the match completed.

2. Don't show matches that end due to not enough players as defeats.

Edited by Puja
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A few of mine:



Change the icon from that annoying little unresponsive triangle to a mini representation of a ship (because I don't believe the arrow works as intended, try flying a game while purposely not looking at the ABC indicators on your main hud, and using the minimap to navigate, and you'll see just what I'm getting at before long)


Firing ARC indicators need some sort of way to identify weather or not your target can actually be hit.

Example of what I mean is, I am in a fast paced corkscrewing dogfight with another ship, while turning I have the target well within my Arc, line up the blasters for what I KNOW to be a direct hit and.... nothing, even though the cursor Icon had changed to indicate that I should hit, I do not, so, if this is because I am turning too fast, or whatever the reason is, I should have some sort of indication as to why my shots on target within the firing arc cannot hit my enemy.




I would like to know when there is more than one ship firing at me, when both ships are hitting me, I often will have no idea I am being engaged by more than one ship.

Perhaps a directional indicator as to which direction any attempted missile lock-ons are coming from?

That seems like something a starfighter would have stock after all, god forbid a dogfighting minimap to function as close range censors, as that's not what I am looking for, just something on the hud would be golden.



Visual representation that I am flying into the exhaustion zone, as sometimes you just end up there in a fight, get disoriented, and aren't sure which way to fly, you just see the red writing, and then boom, which needless to say, tears you out of any immersion.

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I only have one request, which applies to the approximately ten percent of males who play the game who are red-green colour deficient. Please include an option to change the colour of the targeting reticles and triangles. Red is very difficult for me to see and if the colour scheme could be switched with an option to a blue-yellow combination I would be very appreciative.


It would help make the game become that much more accessible for everyone.

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