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Do people use the group finder?


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Pre-level 55 there won't be that many people in the groupfinder (judging from getting instant queue's as DPS from time to time, I automaticly doubt it's because there's tons of people only queue'ing tank or healer) but this is quite obvious since only a small percentage of the server will be in your level-range, wanting to do the same thing. That being said, when I queue during leveling I do get a pop once in a while, often instant on healers for some reason rather than tanks.


At level 55 it's not as popular as it used to be since the rewards are, so to say, crappy, but people still do it since it's fast'ish. A DPS not teamed up with either a heal or a tank can get a very long wait-time since somehow DPS seems to be the most popular role in MMO's. Healers and Tanks are about the same queue-wise from my experience. Sometimes I get an instant queue on my Tanks, sometimes on my Healers. I'd say Tanks have the best queue-times over-all though, not a lot of people like tanking. ;) I tend to relog from my Tank to my Healer if I don't get an instant queue so I'm unsure what the actual wait-times are.


TL;DR Yes people use the groupfinder. Depending on your server/faction;role/level range it can take a while though, so make sure you've got something solo to do aswell.

Edited by Gloomycakes
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GF is definitely used, especially for HM FP 55, for tanks it's insta-pop in 90%. GF gives additional commendations, and considering comms/time ratio it is a good deal. For Elite comms it's must-do unless you're in a guild running ops fairy regularly. The only way to get Elite comms without ops is just 3 weekly (CZ, Makeb, Oricon) and GF.
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Group finder is used at all levels although if you play a DPS role then it does take a little longer to get picked up, as a tank or healer It's usually around 5 minutes.


I will warn you though you need to check your group is set up properly before you start, having duel role options in the finder means that quite often you'll get a DPS filling a healer/tank role because it's quicker for them to get picked up, hoping no-one will notice they are not set up for the role.

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