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GSF suggestions


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Hey guys, before I go into a couple of suggestions for GSF I just want to note that I really enjoy playing it. Everything about GSF is great in my opinion. Continuing on...


1. Ability to display information text on self and target displays. This would be no different than the ability to display information text on your displays in ground play as provided through the interface editor tool. Reasons are obvious.


2. Slightly reduce concussion missile lock on time or slightly increase damage. I fly a T1 strike fighter and I've found that the conc missile is not on par with the cluster missiles. This is because of a couple of reasons: lock on time, damage, and upgrade trees. The cluster missile upgraded to the double volley puts out about 70-80% of what the concussion missile can deal. Mix that in with considerably lower lock on times and it simply is a superior choice. An argument can be made that the conc missile range is what provides the edge however given the nature of the objective based game play (heavy emphasis on dog fighting around the sats) and the ability to dodge a missile with an active engine ability makes it inferior.


3. Adjust capping satellites. I'm sure I'm not the only one slightly frustrated that one ship can throw on their shield boosts and with decent flying, keep the opposing team from capping even when there are 4 other ships on the sat. Not to mention I'm sure I'm not the only one who does it frequently. My suggestion is that past a 3:1 ratio of fighters on a sat, it starts to slowly cap in the favor of the team with more fighters.


4. Make directional shield easier to control. Currently adjusting between front, end, and normal on a cycle style is just too risky imo. Granted this is a result of the nature of the single button for the shield active ability, however I cannot count the number of times I got lit up because I was cycling through shield directions. Not to mention I don't believe the first upgrade in the tree works...


Anyways, these are just suggestions, please don't interpret them as the coming GSF apocalypse lead by the evil Needalight. I recognize that these are my opinions and in a MMO it is important to respect everyone's 2 cents. With that in mind, I would like to open these suggestions to constructive criticism.



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3. Adjust capping satellites. I'm sure I'm not the only one slightly frustrated that one ship can throw on their shield boosts and with decent flying, keep the opposing team from capping even when there are 4 other ships on the sat. Not to mention I'm sure I'm not the only one who does it frequently. My suggestion is that past a 3:1 ratio of fighters on a sat, it starts to slowly cap in the favor of the team with more fighters.


if 4:1 can't make the kill?


I feel this mechanic as is is what Scouts should be for, to race in and stop the cap while his buddies catch up and deploy to counter attack.


also clearly GSF needs more cowbell

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