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4v4 Suggestion


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Everyone's been upset about this or that being OP and being totally outclassed as a noob flyer that I thought we could maybe take a step back and think about it.


THIS IS EARLY ACCESS. Early access is going to those who subscribe which includes a significant subset who won't mind paying for CC to upgrade a ship or two quickly. This is unbalancing in the short run but means nothing in the long run. Since this is the beginning, we're feeling the pain.


Doing well means time in the cockpit, knowledge of equipment and tactics, and time to obtain the equipment.


When we get to the full population of people who want to play GSF, I think matchmaking will work better. It doesn't now because we have a smaller population that is a bit unbalanced making it difficult and in some cases frustrating. I've been in a match that was very good with mostly high level flyers and when I queued for the next match there were 2 at a higher level on our side with the other team being almost all high level experience. That match was a pain to fly in and if it had been my first I would have had second thoughts.


I have a suggestion though...


What if when there is a smaller population or broad range of skill levels playing there was the possibility to play a 4v4 match. Make it a two node domination match instead of three. At the time of matchmaking, if there are fewer of a specific level available, shunt them to a 4v4 match instead of an 8v8 or 12v12. This would put them into a match closer to their level which would theoretically last longer and result in more reqs for everyone.


The other nice thing about this is you could set up your 4 member squadron and practice together without worrying about covering for others. In fact, I'd love to be able to select 4v4 for practicing certain things.

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Theyve already said they have a LOT more in the pipeline for GSF. More matches, more mechanics, more content. Its barely a week old, so we just have to wait and see. As a side note, theyve already said that they are going to add a big amount of content when its released to F2P players in feb.
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