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Few questions on GSF matchmaking and accuracy mechanics


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1) Is single and premade queues are the same? If it isnt - why often (yesterday - 3 times in a row) i come (in a single queue) vs. same clearly coordinated teams of 3 or more pilots from the rep side?


2)Are ship upgrade levels matter in the matchmaking (game tries to put same-level equipped players into one or its just random), and if it does - on what principle is it measured (most upgraded ship, the total number of upgrades, etc.)?


3) Ship accuracy at close range is awful (from tooltips it should be 100%+ and in reality you can see laser bolts jet through enemy ship with no damage). its "as intended" or a bug?


4) Are any game modes other than the Domination planned? Like FFA or missions?


5) Is there any way to access chat while you are flying (for calling incomings and such). Also the is any "broadcast" system (like one key messages "under attack" or "attack this") which would flash icon at location/target planned?


6) Lame question, I know, but where I can find and remap keybindings for GSF? Couldnt find in in options....


Would be pretty grateful if the devs have to say something

Edited by Mad_yojik
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1) Is single and premade queues are the same? If it isnt - why often (yesterday - 3 times in a row) i come (in a single queue) vs. same clearly coordinated teams of 3 or more pilots from the rep side? One queue for all. However premades arer limited to 4(so not so bad as ground, 33% of a team instead of 50%)


2)Are ship upgrade levels matter in the matchmaking (game tries to put same-level equipped players into one or its just random), and if it does - on what principle is it measured (most upgraded ship, the total number of upgrades, etc.)? matchmaking is in, unknown what it is ranking players by. might be how many upgrades were bought, or how muh requisition was earned in total. Should work better when player pool increases next year


3) Ship accuracy at close range is awful (from tooltips it should be 100%+ and in reality you can see laser bolts jet through enemy ship with no damage). its "as intended" or a bug? a scout can have 41% passive evade, can activate a 15% evade buff for 20 seconds, and a 75% evade buff for 6 seconds on top of all that. Just sayin'.


4) Are any game modes other than the Domination planned? Like FFA or missions? planned, but not yet


5) Is there any way to access chat while you are flying (for calling incomings and such). Also the is any "broadcast" system (like one key messages "under attack" or "attack this") which would flash icon at location/target planned? i thnk theres a button to unlock mouse. then you can click chat and type. never used it tho.


6) Lame question, I know, but where I can find and remap keybindings for GSF? Couldnt find in in options....there's a new tab in the options where the new keybinds are, look on the bottom


Would be pretty grateful if the devs have to say something


10 chars....... :p

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