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Constantly Losing... [ Help Me :( ]


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I play a scout the second version that you unlock with fleet requisition. I use the quad lasers, and concussion missiles and I can't kill anything...


I keep getting into matches and having my *** riped apart by DoT's and Gunships. Everyone seems to be playing a gunship lately.


I max'd out my shields, I have upgraded my lasers and missiles and still hit like a wet noodle, and when I get hit I often get 2 shoted.


Someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong... Maybe I should run a different ship, I don't know. Can someone who plays a scout and is actually winning please help!


Edit: I have experience, and have gotten 11 medals often, but lately I just can't seem to do anything...

Edited by Deathen_Shada
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I wouldn't use the quad lasers on a scout personally, although I've heard some people are quite good with them. Can the flashfire/sting even get conc missiles? The scout relies on speed, evasion and maneuvering for battles, not shield strength and durability. If you want to fight from longer range and have more shields and firepower, play a strike fighter instead. Edited by Taleek
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Start training yourself to look for where gunships will hangout. Typically 10,000-15,000m away from the capture points, and often near some kind of structure or rock to help give them cover. They also have a tendency to go higher than the cap point than lower for some reason. Once you start looking for THEM, you will turn from hunted to hunter.


If you can, get the blaster overcharge (I think that's what it is called) ability. When you go to attack a gunship or even a striker use F1 to get extra blaster power, use blaster overcharge, and rip him to pieces.

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Man, scouts can do a lot of things. I have a dps dogfighting loadout and a CC "Turret Toast" loadout. The turret toast is my favorite because, while it's not set up for head-to-head kills, it will incapacitate a ship or a turret so you can stun, blast away and bolt.


- Primary: Rapid Fire Laser Cannons spec'd into hull damage, which takes advantage of ...

- Secondary: Sabotage Probe for turret and ship disabling spec'd into Power Regen Slowed

- Systems: Booster Recharge spec'd into Quick Boost

- Shields: Distortion Shields spec'd into Disable Enemy Missile Lock for the uber evasion

- Engines: Barrel Roll spec'd into Ship Speed

- Lightweight armor for added evasion

- Frequency Capacitor for the extra rate of fire

- Dampening Sensors to inhibit enemy radar, and

- Power Thrusters for "gotta go!" speed and opening bell sat capping.


This build works well with another dps Scout or a Strike as the stun that sets up the kill. Sabotage the enemy systems rendering them DIW for 7 seconds and strafe them as you pass while your wing man finishes up. This works well against gunships ... and turrets.


Turrets are flash paper once disabled. Spec'ing into hull damage and increasing the RoF with the Frequency Capacitor will allow you to clear a turret in one coasting speed pass. If a sniping gunship tries locking on, the extra evade will allow you to finish the job with the Quick Boost + Barrel Roll ship speed + extra Thrusters getting you the hell out of there. Just find a hole and go.


It's a great "piss off the bad guys" build. Your kills probably won't be huge, but you will be hard to kill, should be an assist magnet and can recap a satellite in short order.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'll agree that scouts don't kill things quickly, particularly if you use booster recharge instead of blaster overcharge. Blaster overcharge with Distortion Shield is a deadly combo that lets you go head on against a foe.


The key thing is to either los the gunships or find them and kill them if you aren't on node duty.

Edited by sentawan
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