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PvP Sentinel


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Hey guys. I've recently returned to TOR after several months and was just wondering on the status of Sentinels in PvP. Have Sentinels fallen off that dramatically in PvP? I rarely see any other Sentinels when PvPing. I remember PvP being a lot more enjoyable before. It seems there is way way more CC and the immunity bubble that Sage/Sorc get is ridiculous considering how hard they were to kill before. I normally have the smallest HP pooll by 3 to 4k, so I know I'm way behind, gear-wise. So what's up? Did Sentinels get nerfed or did other classes get really buffed. Just wondering where you guys went.


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Sentinels are pretty common in PVP if you ask me. They are still very competitive in both arenas and traditional warzones. The focus is as insane as it has ever been, combat is about balanced, and watchman is currently considered a bit underwhelming by the majority of people. I agree that there seems to be way too much CC in this game but I think as a melee dps class it is just much more noticeable for us.


As far as buffs and nerfs go, I don't think anything too dramatic has happened in the last few months. In the last week or so there was a nerf to GbtF, which put the health cost at the end of the ability instead of the beginning to make it more difficult to be healed effectively while it is active, and there is also now a 5 minute lockout for the entire raid after inspiration is used. Opinion is kind of divided as to how drastic of an effect these changes will have. Overall though, sents are still in a good spot if you ask me.

Edited by DeaconFeral
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Hey guys. I've recently returned to TOR after several months and was just wondering on the status of Sentinels in PvP. Have Sentinels fallen off that dramatically in PvP? I rarely see any other Sentinels when PvPing. I remember PvP being a lot more enjoyable before. It seems there is way way more CC and the immunity bubble that Sage/Sorc get is ridiculous considering how hard they were to kill before. I normally have the smallest HP pooll by 3 to 4k, so I know I'm way behind, gear-wise. So what's up? Did Sentinels get nerfed or did other classes get really buffed. Just wondering where you guys went.


When did you last play?

What gear do you have?

What spec did you/do you play?


Can't say anything without answers to this.

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It's been maybe 6 to 8 months since I last played. I have at or below Conqueror, and am running a 2/8/36 focus spec. I know I'm struggling in a large part due to gear, but I see so few other sentinels, I was just wondering if there was an ongoing issue with the class
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It's been maybe 6 to 8 months since I last played. I have at or below Conqueror, and am running a 2/8/36 focus spec. I know I'm struggling in a large part due to gear, but I see so few other sentinels, I was just wondering if there was an ongoing issue with the class


Make sure you are not running around in any older PvP gear. Any Battlemaster or older gear is going to be much weaker than even level 53 greens.

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Hey guys. I've recently returned to TOR after several months and was just wondering on the status of Sentinels in PvP. Have Sentinels fallen off that dramatically in PvP? I rarely see any other Sentinels when PvPing. I remember PvP being a lot more enjoyable before. It seems there is way way more CC and the immunity bubble that Sage/Sorc get is ridiculous considering how hard they were to kill before. I normally have the smallest HP pooll by 3 to 4k, so I know I'm way behind, gear-wise. So what's up? Did Sentinels get nerfed or did other classes get really buffed. Just wondering where you guys went.



Very *few* Sentinels? Just yesterday I had a warzone with 4 Sents on one side. XD Must be a problem with the time you're queuing up at or something.


Dunno about how enjoyable it was compare to now 'coz I haven't been around here that long.


And about your gear, since you say you returned after several months, I'm assuming you're wearing one of the old non-Conqueror PvP gear sets? If you are, remove it. It gimps your stats incredibly in warzones.


And finally, please don't complain about the Sage immunity bubble. It is a self-CC in which they can do nothing, and they're definitely *not* hard to kill. You may be serious about it, but it elicits silly "L2Play" responses from people.

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CHiming in from the Imp side. I agree with the OP. I have a Mara and Jugg. I've been a pve'er since headstart and about a weeek ago wanted to pvp for the first time. I went Jugg/Veng over Mara because i used to see so many Mara's. Since I started pvp'ing, I see like 2 -4 juggs per wz. I might see 1 Mara. I rarely see 2 mara's in a wz. Now I'm rethinking my decision in playing my Jugg since I always like playing classes that aren't represented much.
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underwhelming? excuse the spelling, but focus is awsome dps, like it or no, combat is pretty faceroll, and if played right watchman is just as faceroll, admititly watchman reqiures more, but i have zero problems pushing out 800 dps with toal or million damage, and 150 to 200k heals while killing 42 imps.... im sorry watchman is by no means bad....if you want to last longer, harry healers to no end and build dps, watchman, and other two specs , well, they just as fun and faceroll... only problem i got is watchman heals need to be back to were they were...
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