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Challenger or Weaponmaster for Carnage?


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Hİ, first i want to say this character is my first 55 character and I have read and watch a lot about it. So I understand that due to procs, I don't need crit and i should stack power.As a result Challenger gear is more fitted since it gives more power but when I asked in general chat in fleet all the replies and noxxic suggests me to buy Weaponmaster. So what should i do ?
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The set bonus for either gear is the same, so what you have to look out for is whether the gear piece you choose has power + surge or power + accuracy. I personally run with 131 crit rating in pretty much BiS 78 gear, but that is personal preference and if you run HM operations you will get crit + surge enhancements in buckets from oriconian pieces, so I would suggest simply going for the tokens that give power + surge and power + accuracy.


You want to get melee accuracy above 100%, which means 101.05% for carnage marauders in BiS 78 due to the accuracy we get from ataru form. After that you stack power + surge (or crit + surge, if you'd like some more crit). Do not use any alacrity.


Here is my current gear. Due to laziness I chose the weaponmaster gloves due to the 131 crit rating in them, but I probably bought the challenger gloves (power + surge) with the token.

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1. PVP or PVE? (reason i ask is, you never said and you need a bit more accuracy for pve gear)

2. Don't listen to noxxic about anything.

3. Buy whichever one has power They are the same except stats and the set bonus makes no differnence you can mix and match weaponmaster/challenger. A little crit doesn't do any harm but full power gives the most consistent results.

4. Avoid Alacrity at all costs.

Edited by AngusFTW
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I was asking about both PvP and PvE. Thank you for your replies, after some youtube videos and talking with some people who have high rating in leaderboard resulted that I should have 0 crit rating and everything else should be focus on power. I am also planning to keep accuracy at %100-%101 in both PvP and PvE, is this acceptable or should i do something else?
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In Pve it is important to have 100% meelee/110% force accuracy because ops bosses have a 10% chance to resist all attacks so if you have force accuracy at 110 (which is 100% meelee) your yellow dmg will never miss. In pvp you don't need to have as much so you can sacrifice some accuracy rating in favor of a bit more surge rating. Though i'd still have 2 or 3 pieces of gear with accuracy in pvp since it is helpful but it is not required to get to 100% since not all players have a 10% resist chance (though i think consulars/inquistiors have a 5% chance to parry or something) Edited by AngusFTW
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In Pve it is important to have 100% meelee/110% force accuracy because ops bosses have a 10% chance to resist all attacks so if you have force accuracy at 110 (which is 100% meelee) your yellow dmg will never miss. In pvp you don't need to have as much so you can sacrifice some accuracy rating in favor of a bit more surge rating. Though i'd still have 2 or 3 pieces of gear with accuracy in pvp since it is helpful but it is not required to get to 100% since not all players have a 10% resist chance (though i think consulars/inquistiors have additional 5% chance to parry or something)


Small Fix. Since consulars/inquistiors have by default melee/range defense stat at 10%, probably a compensation for the light amor.

Just to not confuse anyone, you know better ofc.

Edited by helloder
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