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Customizable Companion Abilities


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Good morning!


In recent light of Treek's arrival and subsequent domination as overall utilitarian companion of choice now, I would like to make the following suggestion: Let's spend a bit of time and money and make the companion abilities and skills customizable so that we can run around with the companion we prefer not just the companion that's got the best abilities. Like my Trooper would actually want 4X as his 24/7 buddy, but 4X can't heal. I'd like to use Bowdaar regularly too on another toon. Stuff like that.


Treek's exceptionally good at both tanking and healing but, I'd preferred to have a less cookie-cutter solution to companions -- that and I'd preferred a Wookie or a Rodian since 3PO didn't know what an Ewok was in the movie story line yet we have one 1500 years prior who attached itself to very prominent characters.


Thanks for your consideration!


BTW, the Starfighter combat? :ph_win:

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I miss skill kits...and being able to kill my companions (I would kill Quinn...every...single...time, even my pure lightside warrior would).


Yeah, i would so want to also and the skill kits were the best solution to this game, then you could use any companion you wanted, especially if it matched your allignment, unlike now, its all based on roles, if you are dps, the best outcome is gained via using the healer companion or tank companion, depending the dps class being used.


When they changed the companions from the skill kits to what we have now, they really did make the game worse, i wonder who suggested the change....


I would honestly prefer the companion to be there solely for story purposes and nothing else and the combat to be entirely based on my character only, much more easier to customize my gear only, instead of my character AND my companion, but thats just my opinion.

Edited by JamieKirby
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