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More Endurance than Cunning on most Sniper guns?


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Why is this? I know I should have more Cunning than Endurance...but it's hard when guns come with +50 Endurance and +30 Cunning. WE AREN'T TANKS!


I know I can put different mods into it...but still...


Should I put different mods into a new gun or would it not hurt to have more Endurance?

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Couple of generic reason why you see that (generic as in it applies to all classes)


1) stat distribution on a piece of gear (or mod) isn't a balanced approach. the stats are set up to provide you with what you need no matter what your spec is. Go take a look at the end game gear from the PvE vendors...they often will have 1.5x more end then primary stats. some will have more, some less. This is by design. So don't expect your primary stat to always be higher...they aren't placed against each other as a comparative...they are individually scored based on level and output needs.


2) Bio has specifically stated that generic mods and gear you get via questing are slightly unbalanced ON PURPOSE. they do that to encourage those who want to optimize their class to look to other resources. Adn in all honesty, many players like that aspect of the game. I prefer to craft most my mods and hilts/barrels so i can optimize my characters. You don't have to, but they set up gear that way so it's an option.


but by all means...if you don't like the endurance heavy barrels you get in your leveling gear ( I know I don't) then optimize...but just be aware that it takes a bit more work to do that. you'll cruise through the game fine, whether you ar endurance heavy or Cunning heavy. the approach is up to you

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In addition to what Elyx said, you have to remember that there's 3 slots in every item giving a bonus to endurance, but only 2 that gives cunning. For example, with best in slot gear, you will have a skill armoring 34 with 105C+88E, an artful mod 34 with 82C+62E and then a adept or initiative enhancement 34 with 0C+55E - all in all, that's 187 cunning and 205 endurance. Even after adding the augment with 32C and 20E you still have 6 more cunning than you do endurance, and that's with taking as little endurance as you possibly can.
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Yeah, some of the stats do weird things when you switch them around. For example, I bought the lvl 36(38?) pistol for my PT and I noticed I could upgrade the barrel which had a higher end to aim ratio. The mod I bought had more aim, but when I exchanged it my dps dropped below what the default was.
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Yeah, some of the stats do weird things when you switch them around. For example, I bought the lvl 36(38?) pistol for my PT and I noticed I could upgrade the barrel which had a higher end to aim ratio. The mod I bought had more aim, but when I exchanged it my dps dropped below what the default was.


More then likely the new barrel you purchased was a lower item rating.

You can have a player level 30 barrel (purple) that is 76 rating with 30main stat/ 35endurance and swap it out for a new barrel with 35 mainstat/25 endurance and lose damage because the rating of the barrel is only 68. We always want to get more mainstat however when it comes to barrels/hilts- the higher Rating increases base damage more.

Same is said with armorings, higher RATINGS increase damage reduction although the End/mainstat are also different amongst options.

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