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Serious crash to desktop issue


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Not looking for help. I'm pretty savvy and am professionally experienced working with computers. I have a decent rig and have upgraded twice in the two years I've played swtor. Since GSF came out I have crashed to desktop several times while in GSF, and prior to 2.5 I have never had a game crash occurred. The crashes only take place while in a GSF battle. I submitted a bug report. Not looking for help here, I'm sure there is a bug that came with 2.5. Just wondering if anyone else has had any client crashing since GSF came out.
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Head on over to the CS forums and post the relevant logs, as well as detailed descriptions of the crashes. Being a Professionally experienced IT tech, i though youd have known that would be the best place to go and not a general discussion forum.


Ok smart guy. Already did that in a /bug and I posted similarly in the CS, asswipe. I'm not going to post all that in the general forum as you say. If you read my post I was asking if anyone else was experiencing issues. What? No one else is allowed to post here. Only leet *************** like you?? Go **** yourself, seriously. Your response was entirely uncalled for and if flame trolling is the only thing that gets you off go find another forum. :mad:


No *********** wonder people hate this community so much. :mad:

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