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why the change from closed beta in keybinding?


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I have been playing this game before it was even in Early Access two years ago and I really like it. However, I have to scratch my head at some decisions that have been made.


The latest head "scratcher" has to do with the Galactic Starfighter expansion. I love the Free Form flight and the combat...heck, this has got this PVEer to PVP! The thing is during closed beta there was the ability to remap your keybinds and that included primary and secondary weapons. Once the expansion has gone live in Early Access this option has been removed. I am curious as to why.


This may not seem like much but, I have another reason for asking this question. Due to an injury 17 years ago this December, I was left without finger movement. I make do with plastic typing aids and have never complained one bit. I love the challenge. Although to take the remapping ability away of my secondary weapon system means either, I have to try and cross my left hand over my right, or fly straight while trying to lock-on a missile...that doesn't happen very often.


I don't play the "gimp card," but in this case I would love to understand the reasoning for removing the remapping of primary and secondary weapons.

Thanks for your time.


Jason Taylor


Staff writer for Corellian Run Radio

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Key binds are exclusive to binding keyboard keys. Mouse buttons and mouselook remapping appear to be verboten. I don't recall being able to remap any of the mouse functions from the Key Binding tab (I may be remembering incorrectly), though I do know they could be remapped in Xpadder. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Thanks for the reply.

I was in closed beta and I remapped it myself. I had my right mouse function or secondary weapon setup as the tilde key. It made it a lot easier for me, but never gave me an advantage. The fact it was able to be remapped would allow more customization for everyone with comfort and ease of function.

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