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The Cowboy Funk Show does Galactic Starfighter


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Greetings Space Combat Pilots.


Episode seven "

" is out! First thoughts of the newly featured space combat. I gotta say it's been a lot of fun. I'm rolling a scout ship that moves in quick, deals some damage, and gets the heck out of there. What ship is everyone rolling with?


Another awesome feature is the fact that low levels are able to fight with 55's. This opens up even the smallest servers for instant pops. Good call on that one, Bioware.


Galactic Starfighting has it's own forum but it is PvP nonetheless. Choose your ship as you would choose a class in standard pvp. I chose the scout that plays like the "rogue" operative. I get in there, stun, dps, and then get the heck out of there. I love that style of game play in space since I'm always healing as a sorc in reg wz's.


1. Strike Fighter: Mid range class. Medium manuverability. significant shields and HP. All around good class


2. Scout: Lightweight armor. Will die quickly if focused. Amazing manuverability. Great for close to midrange combat. Medium to weak firepower.


3. Gunship: Sniper/Tank class. Shoot across the map and one shot your foes. This class is slow and steady. Heavy armor, slow dps. When you do use your sniper shot know that you are a sitting duck. Best to have a wingman when firing up this bad boy.


As always, I'm Monk and thanks for watching!

Edited by Juniormonk
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Here are more quick tips for your first flight out:


1. Gear up your ships evenly. At least two. I start with my Blackbolt (scout) to capture a satellite quickly. I also choose this ship if I am trying to regain a satellite that has lots of cover ie "C" in the shipyards or "B" in Kuat.

If I know I will be fighting in the open I'll usually switch to my Gunship or my Strike Fighter.


2. Never approach an enemy head on. Playing chicken with a gunship is never a good idea. I like to approach from below or from directly above.


3. Reassign your "F" keys to something closer to ASWD. I use Q,E,F and Shift + Q to toggle between buffs.


4. Here's my rotation for the start of the battle:

a. Power to Thrusters (F3) to get to target satellite

b. Power to Shields (F2) in case a gunship followed me in from the other side

c. Tab target nearest enemy

d. Power to Blasters (F1) and begin the dogfight.

Cycling through your "power to's" is key

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I fly gunships on both factions, with Barrel Roll and Shield Boost. I love shooting down turrets and other gunships. I don't play Striker at all, but I sometimes pilot my scout in order to get the extra kills on the gunners.


Gunship Build:


Reinforced Armor (lvl 3)

Default railguns (lvl 2 each one)

Barrel Roll (lvl 2) (I'm hoping to buy interdiction drive soon)

Dual Laser Cannons (lvl 1)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I fly gunships on both factions, with Barrel Roll and Shield Boost. I love shooting down turrets and other gunships. I don't play Striker at all, but I sometimes pilot my scout in order to get the extra kills on the gunners.


Gunship Build:


Reinforced Armor (lvl 3)

Default railguns (lvl 2 each one)

Barrel Roll (lvl 2) (I'm hoping to buy interdiction drive soon)

Dual Laser Cannons (lvl 1)


very cool Xak. I'm going full force with my scout. It's not great against gunships...hard to sneak up to one out in the open. But covering B in Kuat and C in the shipyards is brilliant for a scout. Fully specced sabotage to make people crash into the walls is fun to play.

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