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Awkward Controls: Is it necessary to track the mouse beyond the circle?


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I really don't like the steering in this game. I've never liked using mice for flight sims, but I can understand the motive behind it. These are mmo players, and most are unlikely to have a joystick handy. Those that do would have a serious advantage over mouse users.


The problem is HOW the mouse is being used to steer. Why does that little line track where my mouse is BEYOND the circle? There's no reason for it, other than to show you where your cursor would be if you pressed 'Z'. And who actually does that in a fight? Also, who cares? Just know that your cursor will be where the target is!


Not only is it unnecessary, it's a terrible hindrance. It's next to impossible to get a consistent feel for how far to move the mouse to make a certain turn when each and every time you try the exact SAME turn you have to move the mouse DIFFERENT distances. If my "cursor" ends up tracked to the bottom right hand corner of the screen, in order to make a left hand turn, I have to move it MUCH farther to the left than I would if the cursor happened to be just outside the steering circle, even though I'm turning the exact same amount. In that same breath, it makes targeting a nightmare, cause the target responds with inconsistent delay to your mouse movement.


I think that restricting the cursor to the steering circle would go a long way to making flying less awkward, and more fun, for everyone.

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I agree with you, having to constantly be aware of where the targeting reticule is and keeping it inside that circle is not a good design and is pretty annoying. You can get used to it though, and I recommend you do seeing as it's probably something the devs aren't actually good enough to change.
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I agree, this needs to be changed. It can lead to oversteering and other problems that can screw up your aim when you bring the mouse back inside your firing arc. Personally I'd prefer a Rogue Squadron type flying system but with a little tweaking I suppose GSF's system can work fine.
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I've been playing quite a bit of GSF this week and I can honestly say I have no idea what the problem is here. What?

Before I realized that the pointer can move outside the targeting circle (its position indicated by the line ending with a small bright dot) it was quite confusing, I assume that's what the OP is talking about.


The most logical reason I can think of for it working this way is that different weapons have different targeting circle sizes, and limiting the pointer's range to them would cause problems.

Edited by Rigsta
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Before I realized that the pointer can move outside the targeting circle (its position indicated by the line ending with a small bright dot) it was quite confusing, I assume that's what the OP is talking about.


The most logical reason I can think of for it working this way is that different weapons have different targeting circle sizes, and limiting the pointer's range to them would cause problems.


There's still no reason for it to move outside ALL targeting circles.

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Personally, I want to lock the mouse target cursor to the center of the screen. All of our weapons (theoretically) are fixed hardpoints, not turrets.


Also I want a snap back mode that returns the mouse to 0-X, 0-Y; for easier mapping to my flightstick.

(The throttle I have pretty much mapped out to my X52, some tweaking still needed. )



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