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Some questions


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  1. What is sensor focus (range)?
  2. Why, when a scout is flying in a perfectly straight line and not varying speed (in short making himself a very easy target), I'm aiming dead centre on the lead indicator, blazing away from 2km with a supposedly accurate set of rapid-fire close-range guns, does NOTHING HAPPEN?
  3. How can I tell if I missed because I didn't aim properly or the RNG said no? (other than the above situation >_>)
  4. What does it mean when the lead indicator circle gets bigger? (close range)
  5. Why does nothing happen when I aim & fire at it when it's like that?
  6. What do the 2 blue/white bars above the target's health bar indicate? Energy levels? Shields?

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  1. What is sensor focus (range)?
  2. Why, when a scout is flying in a perfectly straight line and not varying speed (in short making himself a very easy target), I'm aiming dead centre on the lead indicator, blazing away from 2km with a supposedly accurate set of rapid-fire close-range guns, does NOTHING HAPPEN?
  3. How can I tell if I missed because I didn't aim properly or the RNG said no? (other than the above situation >_>)
  4. What does it mean when the lead indicator circle gets bigger? (close range)
  5. Why does nothing happen when I aim & fire at it when it's like that?
  6. What do the 2 blue/white bars above the target's health bar indicate? Energy levels? Shields?


1. Sensor focus range allows you to spot enemies further out than your sensor radius but only in a frontal cone.

2. Most likely evasion. Currently, evasion is believed to work like this: your accuracy - evasion = % you have to hit.

3. Other than not seeing a damage number pop up, there is no way yet of knowing if you missed.

4. Not 100% sure about this but I think blasters have a dead zone around 300m (min. distance you can hit an enemy). What's odd is that you can literally be 0m from a turret and still shoot it. Any other thoughts?

5. See #4.

6. The 2 blue bars above the target's health indicate their shields. Left bar is front shield. Right is back.

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