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What is in high demand on Rep side?


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Hi everyone,


As a coming back player I decided to start a Republic char on the Red Eclipse (it's the highest population of all EU servers right? )


My question is, what role and and subsequently class is in high demand? I don't mind playing everything, but I don't want to be stuck in the situation where I am the 25th ranged DD when everybody is looking for a healer. I intend to make heavy use of the Lfg tool, so short queue times are a plus.


Any answers are much appreciated.



Edited by aridionzwei
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And then you ask at the forums why there is no damage at pub lowbie wzs? :rolleyes:
On THIS server. This is a PvE server with a much higher frequency of healers. A lack or abundance of healers was never an issue on tofn, which is what my question related to. Tofn is simply a matter of people acting stupid.


And do you even play on this server?

Edited by MidichIorian
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On THIS server. This is a PvE server with a much higher frequency of healers. A lack or abundance of healers was never an issue on tofn, which is what my question related to. Tofn is simply a matter of people acting stupid.


And do you even play on this server?


Yep, have 2 lowbies here, and I didn't bother to transfer them.

For FP tanks are ofc best choice, but you do understand that they will do pvp sometimes, which is normal, and you will be surrounded by 4 defence guardians or kinetic combat shadows. :)


So ToFN is acting stupid and TRE is a braintrust of all players? Ok, sry :(

Edited by helloder
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