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Why Is There Even Bolstering...


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Am I the only one who enjoys PVP more when I can't solo a node from 3 people in PVE/recruit gear? The playing field for PVP should be relatively even. It's not like I worked all that hard to get my PVP gear in the first place, so why should it matter if some raider's PVE gear was almost as good as mine. I PVP for the challenge, not the gear.
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So then we should totally get bolster for pve right? I'm pretty much fully pvp geared and do raids like once a month for fun but I can't really do HM, so its totally unfair that I can't just go in and be equal to the raiders that spent time grinding and min/maxing their gear. We should definitely get bolster for pve! /sarcasm


You CAN use PvP gear in PvE (I do), but not 55 hard mode ops. Just like you can't use PvE gear in ranked. Why is this fact so hard to understand for you bads? Show me one (any at all) combination that is better than full obroan.



Considering that he is probably most likely not playing a tank and the fact that the average health pool in full pvp gear is 30-31k min/maxed I'd say he's bragging about the fact that he just bought a bunch of lowbie level pve gear and is getting bolstered to higher stat returns than full pvp gear...which is asinine.


Right because hp is the only thing that matters/sarcasm. I asked what his other stats were and my guess is they were probably not as good as even full conqueror (or he would've mentioned them), forget full obroan.


Am I the only one who enjoys PVP more when I can't solo a node from 3 people in PVE/recruit gear? The playing field for PVP should be relatively even. It's not like I worked all that hard to get my PVP gear in the first place, so why should it matter if some raider's PVE gear was almost as good as mine. I PVP for the challenge, not the gear.


That's because you are a real PvPer. You play for the challenge and win with skill instead of an unfair advantage. People that suck will make any excuse in order to continue to be in denial about their badness. While I agree bolster could've been implemented better, it is still 10000 times better than anything before it.

Edited by sithBracer
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In that case why do we need PvP stats on gear at all?


Technically, for PvP servers, we wouldn't because there would be no need for bolster or expertise at all. Gear specifically on the PvP servers would have the inherent stats assigned per item.


Inherent stat examples =


Level 1 gear = 1 points per item

Level 2 gear = 2 points per item

3 through 49 = their respective numbers

Level 50 gear = 50 points per item

Level 55 gear = 55 points per item


So, in this system, a full level 50 set would be 700 inherent PvP points and a full set of 55 gear would be 770 inherent points. If you want better PvP gear, you only need to work up to 55 gear, which would technically be capped PvP gear.


The best thing about this change is zero loss of any current in-game gear at all :)

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See, bads will make any excuse in order to hold onto their precious advantage, because they know they suck without it. No one minds doing work, but getting roflstomped just because I don't have a piece of gear is just not fun. There is no way to get ahead, no way to win, no way to do anything except get in the way (especially in HG). If there was a special "no pvp gear" division where you could earn comms, or you could trade in elite comms for wz comms or something similar, I would be happy to put in the time. But going into a wz just to run for 5 seconds and then die and have the entire team send me hate PMs is where I (and most people) draw the line.


So I'm sorry that even after playing all this time you suck so badly that you desperately need an advantage, but some people prefer to fight on an semi-even playing field with everyone, and win with skill, teamwork and knowledge of the game.




Wow a whole 30k omg, you are such a god. Can you teach me? What spec are you? what is your attack, bonus attack etc? People in tank spec get 40k on their juggs and have full expertise, no idea what you are bragging about.


I love how you are making deduction based on ****.

Based on what evidence did you deduce this "bads will make any excuse in order to hold onto their precious advantage, because they know they suck without it". Because we don't agree that PvP gear should be gave with no work?

How about you spend 1 week AND NO ADVANTAGE EXISTS. Also the advantage is so *********** small that if you can't compete you are just *********** horrible. You stating you get "roflstomped" is a clear admission on how *********** bad YOU are, If I go NAKED in PvP and I can COMPETE(unranked).

Then the rest of 5 seconds nonsense... Oh God you are bad. No, go play PvE. I wonder how would you like if not gear existed in PVE.


As for the last part, it's 30k HP. Learn to read. Its the usual you will find on a FULLY geared PvP character.


PRO TIP: Grab random gear from GTN, augment it with blue augments and you are fully competent to PvP with the best (not ranked arenas). If you do this and you can't compete you are just horrible at PvP, plain and simple. If someone would give you full PvP gear and you would still suck.

Edited by Xanas
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PRO TIP: Grab random gear from GTN, augment it with blue augments and you are fully competent to PvP with the best (not ranked arenas). If you do this and you can't compete you are just horrible at PvP, plain and simple. If someone would give you full PvP gear and you would still suck.




Three things give you the most bang for your buck in PvP:


1- Obroan relics. Should be the first thing to buy when you turn lvl 55 if you have the comms.

2- Augments, as these add straight to your stats.

3- Stems, as they also add straight to your stats.


All you need gear wise is PvE gear between lvls 58 through 63 and you should be fairly competitive and within less than 5% from fully stacked Obroan. What people do is use mix of 69 and 66 gear, that is not BiS, which nets around 1,700 expertise, have no augments and are not stemmed. Then you will be 30-35% below effectiveness of full Obroan.

Edited by Ottoattack
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I love how you are making deduction based on ****.

Based on what evidence did you deduce this "bads will make any excuse in order to hold onto their precious advantage, because they know they suck without it". Because we don't agree that PvP gear should be gave with no work?

How about you spend 1 week AND NO ADVANTAGE EXISTS. Also the advantage is so *********** small that if you can't compete you are just *********** horrible. You stating you get "roflstomped" is a clear admission on how *********** bad YOU are, If I go NAKED in PvP and I can COMPETE(unranked).

Then the rest of 5 seconds nonsense... Oh God you are bad. No, go play PvE. I wonder how would you like if not gear existed in PVE.


The advantage was not small pre bolster, which is what you are advocating for. Someone without PvP gear would get roflstomped if he went up against someone with PvP gear. This is a fact.


Once again, I'm sorry you suck so much that you desperately need a super gear advantage in order to not be butthurt, but I prefer real competition and fighting people on a semi-even field. Might I suggest pokemon? I hear they are about to get a new version.


And Fyi, all my PvP characters are geared in obroan/conqueror.

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Let me just escort you to the Flashpoint and Operations forums.


You're obviously lost.


So many disillusioned people. They thought they were amazing players when they beat on undergeared newbies, but after they got butthurt by bolstered players, they complain. So sad.

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So many disillusioned people. They thought they were amazing players when they beat on undergeared newbies, but after they got butthurt by bolstered players, they complain. So sad.
Look, I don't know what kind of RP server you are from but if you had any clue you'd agree that the implementation of the current bolster system is poor at best.


*It renders the whole point of keeping your gear up to par while leveling moot. You can as a, let's say level 35, put on all purple level 35 mods/armorings/enhancements with stacked main/power and still end up with significally more ednurance than main in a warzone.


*You're not able to, at any level, see what your stats are going to be like before you actually enter a warzone.


*In the event that you do some dailies in your PvE set at level 55 and you get a wz pop you're forced to switch gear before you enter or you'll be screwed over by bolster. If I enter in Obroan on my sage I have somewhere around 1460 bonus damage. If I on the other hand enter in my 78 PvE set and switch to Obroan I'll only have 1390 bonus damage on the latter.


But hey, keep promoting a broken system.


How it should have been done:

*Everyone < lvl 50 gets full expertise.


*At level 51 and above you're expected to keep your gear on level so an expertise curve is added to make up for the superior stats a PvE set can have + some room to make the PvP "grind" worthwhile. There's no point in having a PvP set at all unless it gives some form of advantage, it would defeat its purpose. If you at for instance at lvl 53 don't care or is too lazy to keep your gear up to your level, then it's on you. You will only get the expertise an expected PvE geared player would have recieved at lvl 53. Everything can't be free and in the current system we're able to disregard all aspects of gear, you don't need to wear PvP gear because you will get the expertise for free and your 20 levels old PvE gear will have the stats bolstered. It's like the system is intended for players who teleport 10 levels at a time and never, under any circustamces, get a gear drop or credits to buy gear on GTN. It's just lazy.


*Actual stats are never touched by bolster.

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Look, I don't know what kind of RP server you are from but if you had any clue you'd agree that the implementation of the current bolster system is poor at best.


I don't play on a rp server, but if you had a clue you would know that all servers have both good and bad players. Anyway, I agree. The bolster was very poorly implemented, but it is still better than when it didn't exist.


*It renders the whole point of keeping your gear up to par while leveling moot. You can as a, let's say level 35, put on all purple level 35 mods/armorings/enhancements with stacked main/power and still end up with significally more ednurance than main in a warzone.


*You're not able to, at any level, see what your stats are going to be like before you actually enter a warzone.


*In the event that you do some dailies in your PvE set at level 55 and you get a wz pop you're forced to switch gear before you enter or you'll be screwed over by bolster. If I enter in Obroan on my sage I have somewhere around 1460 bonus damage. If I on the other hand enter in my 78 PvE set and switch to Obroan I'll only have 1390 bonus damage on the latter.


I think we can all agree that it is buggy and poorly implemented. I disagree with getting rid of it and going back to the circus that preceded it.



*At level 51 and above you're expected to keep your gear on level so an expertise curve is added to make up for the superior stats a PvE set can have + some room to make the PvP "grind" worthwhile. There's no point in having a PvP set at all unless it gives some form of advantage, it would defeat its purpose. If you at for instance at lvl 53 don't care or is too lazy to keep your gear up to your level, then it's on you. You will only get the expertise an expected PvE geared player would have recieved at lvl 53. Everything can't be free and in the current system we're able to disregard all aspects of gear, you don't need to wear PvP gear because you will get the expertise for free and your 20 levels old PvE gear will have the stats bolstered. It's like the system is intended for players who teleport 10 levels at a time and never, under any circustamces, get a gear drop or credits to buy gear on GTN. It's just lazy.


Let me highlight the important parts there. So basically you just want an advantage over newer players. Why? Just for "progression"? Kind of a poor argument there. Either way you do get your advantage because full obroan is BiS. But if you think there is some magical PvE combination that is better than full obroan please post it, I will try it out and compare.


*Actual stats are never touched by bolster.


Yeah why not, level 28s don't have enough advantage over level 14s, neither do 54s over 35s, let's make them invincible, that will make more people come into PvP, you are like the greatest genius business person ever.

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In the era of Recruit gear, you really had to know your class and the objectives in warzones if you did not want to be a disadvantage for your team. Since there was a significant ammount of players who started playing at level50 (55), too many left PVP disappointed. While I hate bolster at max level (at lower levels I am glad it is there), I have to admit I understand why they keep it at level55 as well.


On the other hand, Bolser is made very poorly, after all the fixes it is still inconsequent.


I have a toon I had not been playing on since the expansion. It had BiS Dread Guard gear. Started playing warzones again.


Grabbed a lev53 prototype Microfilament implant, I did not augment it, thought I would not waste credits, comm req is not that high for the Conqueror one. I compared the two in a WZ; guess what happened.


Bolster made my blue PVE item better then the Conqeueror, since the PVP damage buff/damage reduction remained the same, but my damage and HP went down.


Then, I tried to inspect the major gear parts, compared to the DG (same stat type, power/surge to p/s). My HP increased, my damage went down, PVP stats were the same. Also, PVE set bonus works better for me.


On the bright side, I did not struggle, I have been competitive from the very beginning regardless of the gear. Maybe I should be grateful for that, but still, it does not feel right that there is no incentive to exchange PVP gear.

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Let me highlight the important parts there. So basically you just want an advantage over newer players. Why? Just for "progression"? Kind of a poor argument there. Either way you do get your advantage because full obroan is BiS. But if you think there is some magical PvE combination that is better than full obroan please post it, I will try it out and compare.

Trust me, I would be perfectly fine with some other form of progression but BW has, so far, not been able to produce and I can't blame them really because there are very few things that would cater to dedicated PvP'ers. Cool shells? Do people even look at what other people are wearing in warzones? Mounts? Most dedicated PvP'ers spend all day infront of the PvP mission box so what are they going to do with exclusive mounts? So that's why gear progression is important. It's also something atleast older players are used to in this game.


Yeah why not, level 28s don't have enough advantage over level 14s, neither do 54s over 35s, let's make them invincible, that will make more people come into PvP, you are like the greatest genius business person ever.

It was never a problem for me in lowbie. You have a valid point with 54 vs 35 though because it's around 53 you'll see a huge increase on stats. On the other hand, my suggestion also involved an expertise curve where level 51-54 will drop in expertise and that should even the playing field a bit. Regardless, people don't spend enough time at the lower levels of each bracket to justify the current system.

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The advantage was not small pre bolster, which is what you are advocating for. Someone without PvP gear would get roflstomped if he went up against someone with PvP gear. This is a fact.


Once again, I'm sorry you suck so much that you desperately need a super gear advantage in order to not be butthurt, but I prefer real competition and fighting people on a semi-even field. Might I suggest pokemon? I hear they are about to get a new version.


And Fyi, all my PvP characters are geared in obroan/conqueror.


I don't want or need booster but I am obviously making a reply to you crying how you get "roflstomped " in pvp because you don't have 1 piece (that is 1) of PvP gear and ending up dead in under "5 seconds" only to "have the entire team send me hate PMs is where I (and most people) draw the line".

Even in this last post you AGAIN QQ about gear advantage. So yes its about how bad you are under the CURRENT system.


So no friend, its about how horrible you are UNDER the current bolstered system. Now I am going to suggest you run back to the PvE forum.

In conclusion, if you can't compete with no pvp gear with people that DO have PvP gear even if they completely remove PvP gear you are stil going to get roflstomped in under 5 seconds as you plain stink at it.


PS. I love how you are crying about gear disparity and telling me to go play Pokemon. Just rofl.

Edited by Xanas
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Even in this last post you AGAIN QQ about gear advantage. So yes its about how bad you are under the CURRENT system.


So no friend, its about how horrible you are UNDER the current bolstered system. Now I am going to suggest you run back to the PvE forum.


What are you talking about? I am not complaining about gear advantage in the CURRENT system. I like the CURRENT system (bolster included). The one QQing about bolster is you. You suck , you get butt hurt, you complain.


In conclusion, if you can't compete with no pvp gear with people that DO have PvP gear even if they completely remove PvP gear you are stil going to get roflstomped in under 5 seconds as you plain stink at it.


Lets compare me and you for a sec. I want an even playing field (even though all my characters are fully PvP geared) so I don't end up steamrolling new players just because of gear, and instead end up beating them with skill and effort (or getting beat by their skill and effort). You want bolster gone so you can easily steamroll new players without any skill or effort. Who's the one who sucks here? That would be you.


PS. I love how you are crying about gear disparity and telling me to go play Pokemon. Just rofl.


Not complaining about gear disparity. The disparity is relatively small now (aside for augments, and you don't need to PvP for those). I like this system where gear disparity is small and we have to rely on our skills and knowledge of the game. You are the one QQing about this system and crying for bioware to bring back the old BS recruit gear system, so you can easily smash around new players. Why? Most likely because you can't compete without an advantage. Truth hurts.

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There has to be expertise to actually give some incentive to pvp players. If there was no expertise and pvp players run around in their Orb/conq gear, they would be destroyed by weekend pve warriors in their full raid gear.


Bolster is a double edged sword. yes it allows people a fighting chance to try pvp in their pve gear. On the flip side, it is infesting our warzones with pve clowns with no clue about objective pvp.

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Because this game has an abnormal amount of players that whine

Over gear differences etc it's even starting in the gsf forum over players with

"Better ships" complaining with out even actually trying to succeed.


I honestly don't know how this game attracted so many


Because this game has an abnormal amount of players that whine

about ranked not filling

because they would rather like to destroy lower levels

than to help players become ranked players.

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What are you talking about? I am not complaining about gear advantage in the CURRENT system. I like the CURRENT system (bolster included). The one QQing about bolster is you. You suck , you get butt hurt, you complain.


Sure you are. You just changed your tone now after I pointed out (and others) how absurd is to complain about gear NOW. Hell you made it perfectly clear on this after you addressed my 30k hp after not reading the HP part...

What more? Here:


Right because hp is the only thing that matters/sarcasm. I asked what his other stats were and my guess is they were probably not as good as even full conqueror (or he would've mentioned them), forget full obroan.


That is you crying that boolster is not good enough.


Lets compare me and you for a sec. I want an even playing field (even though all my characters are fully PvP geared) so I don't end up steamrolling new players just because of gear, and instead end up beating them with skill and effort (or getting beat by their skill and effort). You want bolster gone so you can easily steamroll new players without any skill or effort. Who's the one who sucks here? That would be you.


And you know what I want? I want a damn RPG experience and this includes gear and the ability to tweak said gear. I don't need to play Call of Duty... Hell if you don't like gear go play Guild Wars. To get full PvP gear takes about 1 week, deal with it.


Then for the love of me I will never understand why you keep insisting people that like a gear based system must be horribly bad. My jugg that has 3 pvp gear pieces is doing more then fine lol.


Not complaining about gear disparity. The disparity is relatively small now (aside for augments, and you don't need to PvP for those). I like this system where gear disparity is small and we have to rely on our skills and knowledge of the game. You are the one QQing about this system and crying for bioware to bring back the old BS recruit gear system, so you can easily smash around new players. Why? Most likely because you can't compete without an advantage. Truth hurts.


Yeah right... The disparity is relatively small now eh? Read you own words above that I quoted from a few pages back.

Skill should be reserved for ranked were only fully geared people should be allowed to que. Thing is the "carrot" is needed to keep PvP alive. Look at WoW. No matter what people say its the best MMORPG (going by numbers). How do they keep people interested in PvP? Do they have PvP gear? Having gear is an advantage and not the other way around. PvP players need to feel like they are progressing in the game just like PvE players, this is not a *********** FPS shooter.


Truth and facts completely eludes you. If you are going from "a guy likes having PvP gear" to "he must be bad at PvP" then I have no idea what to say. Just for your information the only thing I do in this game is PvP, I hate PvE with a passion, same in WoW.

Edited by Xanas
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Sure you are. You just changed your tone now after I pointed out (and others) how absurd is to complain about gear NOW. Hell you made it perfectly clear on this after you addressed my 30k hp after not reading the HP part...

What more? Here:


I didn't change any tone. I'm the one in favor of the bolster here and I claimed many times that the biggest gear gap existing now is augments, not actual PvP gear. God you are dumb. You are the one who constantly whines about bolster and asks to get rid of it returning the system to the gear gap that existed before bolster. That is the only gear gap I am truly against.



And you know what I want? I want a damn RPG experience and this includes gear and the ability to tweak said gear. I don't need to play Call of Duty... Hell if you don't like gear go play Guild Wars. To get full PvP gear takes about 1 week, deal with it.


Once again, I am not complaining about getting PvP gear in the current system, since you are too stupid to figure it out by reading the topic, I'll put it in very plain english: this is a topic about the BOLSTER and the affect that it has. I'm defending it (despite its many flaws), you are calling for it to be removed-because you suck and can't beat anyone when you don't have a gear advantage. Easy to understand?


Then for the love of me I will never understand why you keep insisting people that like a gear based system must be horribly bad. My jugg that has 3 pvp gear pieces is doing more then fine lol.


Yes, because of bolster. If this was prebolster days, he would be getting his butt kicked by fully geared people. Instead of asking for the removal of bolster, you should be happy it is there. I will say it one more time and put it in nice caps so your tiny mind can [hopefully] understand: I AM COMPLETELY FINE WITH THE MINIMAL GEAR GAP THAT EXISTS TODAY BECAUSE OF BOLSTER, WHAT I AM AGAINST IS RETURNING TO THE HUGE GEAR GAP THAT EXISTED BEFORE IT. Understand?


Yeah right... The disparity is relatively small now eh? Read you own words above that I quoted from a few pages back.


My own words? You claimed that you could get better stats with PvE gear and started bragging about your 30k hp. I just called you on your (and others) BS, saying that you cannot get better stats with PvE gear than you can with PvP. I never complained about since the difference between bolstered PvE gear and full conqueror is relatively small. Nor have I ever asked for PvE gear to be as good as PvP gear. The current system works, it is doing its job and allowing non PvP geared players to actually contribute. You are the one who is asking to take it away because you suck ... I mean because you desperately "need" your progression.



Skill should be reserved for ranked were only fully geared people should be allowed to que. Thing is the "carrot" is needed to keep PvP alive. Look at WoW. No matter what people say its the best MMORPG (going by numbers). How do they keep people interested in PvP? Do they have PvP gear? Having gear is an advantage and not the other way around. PvP players need to feel like they are progressing in the game just like PvE players, this is not a *********** FPS shooter.


I agree. Ranked should not be bolstered and should require a gear check. Bolster will not help in ranked anyway.


Truth and facts completely eludes you. If you are going from "a guy likes having PvP gear" to "he must be bad at PvP" then I have no idea what to say. Just for your information the only thing I do in this game is PvP, I hate PvE with a passion, same in WoW.


I don't care what type of gear you like, if you are asking to get rid of the bolster and bring things back to how they were before 2.0, there is only 1 reason, because you suck and you can't compete without a significant advantage. Truth hurts, deal with it.

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I didn't change any tone. I'm the one in favor of the bolster here and I claimed many times that the biggest gear gap existing now is augments, not actual PvP gear. God you are dumb. You are the one who constantly whines about bolster and asks to get rid of it returning the system to the gear gap that existed before bolster. That is the only gear gap I am truly against.


So you like me to link you AGAIN what you said? I would but it is a complete waste of time on my part.

Hell you can't even COUNT. The only time I said to get rid of bolster was the first time I posted. So I am dumb but you can't count to... 1.

Oh and just for the record I never said I want the same gear gap. All I said I don't approve of the current bolster as it is to good. WoW did it best (you can look in that yourself).


Once again, I am not complaining about getting PvP gear in the current system, since you are too stupid to figure it out by reading the topic,


Yes you did, quoted you on it before.


I'll put it in very plain english: this is a topic about the BOLSTER and the affect that it has. I'm defending it (despite its many flaws), you are calling for it to be removed-because you suck and can't beat anyone when you don't have a gear advantage. Easy to understand?


Assumptions... Based on what evidence did you deduce I can't beat anyone? I don't like it as I don't like its current mechanics and what it does to gear progression. Look at WoW. The best MMORPG out there (no matter what people say). Do they have gear progression? Hell yeah and a big one. Do they have the biggest PvP numbers in a MMORPG? Well yeah... The carrot is 1 of the most important factors in a MMORPG. Sorry if you feel like killing the PvP in this game faster then it is already going...


Yes, because of bolster. If this was prebolster days, he would be getting his butt kicked by fully geared people. Instead of asking for the removal of bolster, you should be happy it is there. I will say it one more time and put it in nice caps so your tiny mind can [hopefully] understand: I AM COMPLETELY FINE WITH THE MINIMAL GEAR GAP THAT EXISTS TODAY BECAUSE OF BOLSTER, WHAT I AM AGAINST IS RETURNING TO THE HUGE GEAR GAP THAT EXISTED BEFORE IT. Understand?


Weird. In 1 place you state is minimal and in the other that is great. I would quote you but again, waste of time on my part.


You claimed that you could get better stats with PvE gear and started bragging about your 30k hp


Now you are inventing LIES. What? You run out of nonsense and started inventing lies to back up your arguments(or better said nonsense)? Please show me where I said I could get better stats ith PvE gear.


I just called you on your (and others) BS, saying that you cannot get better stats with PvE gear than you can with PvP.


Never made such a claim. You are of course free to quote me where I did so.


The current system works, it is doing its job and allowing non PvP geared players to actually contribute.


At the expense of the PvP players who work hard to have said gear. Let me know when I can "contribute" in an operation group in PvP gear.. Hell, let me know when any guild is going to take me.


You are the one who is asking to take it away because you suck ... I mean because you desperately "need" your progression.


I suck because I don't agree with the current bolster, funny **** man, funny ****.


I don't care what type of gear you like, if you are asking to get rid of the bolster and bring things back to how they were before 2.0, there is only 1 reason, because you suck and you can't compete without a significant advantage. Truth hurts, deal with it.


I can find you a good number of reasons aside for "you suck". Not that it even matters. Your attention span is horrible, at no point have I demanded the return to the same situation. I just don't like the current BS bolster.

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If they wanted to make pvp really fair they would remove all gear an level influence from the equation and carefully set all classes stats in stone for pvp purpose. Visuals, titles and glory should be the only prize. But offcourse most people would have to accept fair play which will never happen. Edited by Satanski
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