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Considering transferring to BC.


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No, just no.


The forums do not represent a server they never do.


Lets be real, I am in one of the well known guilds on this server and there are 4 of us I can think of who post. The rest of the members, the vast majority consider the forums to be joke, cesspool, waste of time, etc. If you asked every member to post or be kicked, you would have to actually kick some people because they want nothing to do with forums, these or any other.


Any GM who has ever tried to get people to use a Guilds' Forums can tell you it is an uphill battle; the only possible exception to that being super serious raiding guilds where the meta-game is critical.


All I said what that we have a good server with a lot of great guilds, but one that mainly keeps to themselves, outside of the few people who venture on to the boards for various reasons; along with the loud mouths that fly off the handle and make statements that are needlessly antagonistic when it suits their agenda to stir stuff up....


Like you just did.


My point was not to say that what is on the forums represents the player base as whole. In fact my post stated that it was a poor representation of the player base and that the OP should not be judging us by the behavior of a few. And I still stand by my original post, especially the last part:


"There are many great players and guilds to join and find an excellent "home" with. If you want to be part of a larger server community that plays well with each other and is supportive... I would look elsewhere"


The forums do reflect the lack of a strong server community as they are the common grounds for communication and organization. Now that is hardly the fault of the community at large but the efforts of a few have gone a long way to turn the forums into exactly what you said they are.

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