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Flight control tips


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I've seen a couple of posts about people having trouble with flight controls

And thought I would start a post with a few tips that I find helpful please add to this if you have any helpful advice


If you look at the HUD the outer rim of the circle will have enemy ships as red triangles

And your target will be a red diamond


I find that if you view this circle as a clock and using A & D

To rotate your ship clockwise or counter clockwise keeping your main target

"The red diamond" at 12 o'clock on the HUD it's really simple to track and stay on target Using this method


Using A&D to rotate while breaking can let you perform a really sharp turns


If you're are having trouble locking down a target, switch to one that gives you a clearer attack run

Edited by Ren_simp
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The biggest issue I have with the red things on the side, is often I can aim for one, and notice it's like 15km away.

Would be nice if there was some indication of presence (by making the closer ones bigger or something) to make them a bit more effective...


Yea, unless I'm missing it (which I may be doing) a "distance to target" indicator would rock....then you'd know for sure if you can thrash 'em.


Great tips from the OP though!

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Good suggestion!


Although I have my own suggestion for the developers regarding flight control, perhaps to be added to a quickfix patch in the future...


When you move your mouse outside of the circle, the ship begins to turn at its maximum speed. The farther you move your mouse from center after this point increases your turning speed by nothing, however, it takes longer to pull your mouse back to center (because its farther away). My suggestion for the developers is to make it where your cursor point is never farther than a few degrees past the circle. This way, if you turn right real hard, but then need to straighten, you can sling the mouse to the right exuberantly and then move it back in a short stroke.


I wish I could paint a picture of what I'm trying to say here, but I guess the best way to put it is to cap the distance the mouse can travel from center. I have a 1600x1000ish display, so my mouse can travel well beyond the circle, which means the cursor location cannot be seen, and I have to try to "find" it again to get it back to center. If there was a way to make it so that the cursor is always near the circle, I think the piloting would be greatly enhanced.

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Good suggestion!


Although I have my own suggestion for the developers regarding flight control, perhaps to be added to a quickfix patch in the future...


When you move your mouse outside of the circle, the ship begins to turn at its maximum speed. The farther you move your mouse from center after this point increases your turning speed by nothing, however, it takes longer to pull your mouse back to center (because its farther away). My suggestion for the developers is to make it where your cursor point is never farther than a few degrees past the circle. This way, if you turn right real hard, but then need to straighten, you can sling the mouse to the right exuberantly and then move it back in a short stroke.


I wish I could paint a picture of what I'm trying to say here, but I guess the best way to put it is to cap the distance the mouse can travel from center. I have a 1600x1000ish display, so my mouse can travel well beyond the circle, which means the cursor location cannot be seen, and I have to try to "find" it again to get it back to center. If there was a way to make it so that the cursor is always near the circle, I think the piloting would be greatly enhanced.


Agreed 100%. This is one of the largest problems with these controls. Fix that and I might be able to deal with them.

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Yea, unless I'm missing it (which I may be doing) a "distance to target" indicator would rock....then you'd know for sure if you can thrash 'em.


Great tips from the OP though!


If you have them selected at all, their little portrait in the top right corner shows their distance. If you hover your aiming reticule over them, it does as well. I think that's about as much as we can hope for. In a 12 v 12 with everyone fighting over one point (which has happened plenty in my experience) I don't think there's a way of showing their distance on the little red HUD triangles without completely obscuring your view.


On second thought, maybe changing the color of the triangle could be made to work. At least make it darker red if they're in your primary weapon range or something (even better, if you're in their range).

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Yea, unless I'm missing it (which I may be doing) a "distance to target" indicator would rock....then you'd know for sure if you can thrash 'em.


Great tips from the OP though!


There is a range indicator somewhere. I think it might be in the top right, but I'm guessing from memory and I really play the game by instinct. I do know I often am looking at ranges when hitting tab or R.

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As a flight sim buff, i find the mouse is overly sensitive and thus causing players to slam into barriers. as a tip i learned from flight simulators produced under the JANES namesake try slowing down your ship in turns to regain some control that is lost due to the mouse sensitivity. in combat simulators i have played before it increased the maneuverability of the craft that i was flying at that point in time. i'm yet to see if it risks lock on but it is helps for those of us who pursue are targeted enemies in what is termed as "direct pursuit."
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If you have them selected at all, their little portrait in the top right corner shows their distance. If you hover your aiming reticule over them, it does as well. I think that's about as much as we can hope for. In a 12 v 12 with everyone fighting over one point (which has happened plenty in my experience) I don't think there's a way of showing their distance on the little red HUD triangles without completely obscuring your view.


On second thought, maybe changing the color of the triangle could be made to work. At least make it darker red if they're in your primary weapon range or something (even better, if you're in their range).

Yeah, but I'm not really going to scroll between 6 different targets to get their range in the HUD.

And the obscuring was why I suggested something minimalistic (the arrow at the sides varying in size). Color should work too yeah, maybe both just to make sure :).

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Yeah, but I'm not really going to scroll between 6 different targets to get their range in the HUD.

And the obscuring was why I suggested something minimalistic (the arrow at the sides varying in size). Color should work too yeah, maybe both just to make sure :).


Hit tab it cycles through the nearest enemies, hit R for last one to attack you, hit E to target the one under your reticle

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Good suggestion!


Although I have my own suggestion for the developers regarding flight control, perhaps to be added to a quickfix patch in the future...


When you move your mouse outside of the circle, the ship begins to turn at its maximum speed. The farther you move your mouse from center after this point increases your turning speed by nothing, however, it takes longer to pull your mouse back to center (because its farther away). My suggestion for the developers is to make it where your cursor point is never farther than a few degrees past the circle. This way, if you turn right real hard, but then need to straighten, you can sling the mouse to the right exuberantly and then move it back in a short stroke.


I wish I could paint a picture of what I'm trying to say here, but I guess the best way to put it is to cap the distance the mouse can travel from center. I have a 1600x1000ish display, so my mouse can travel well beyond the circle, which means the cursor location cannot be seen, and I have to try to "find" it again to get it back to center. If there was a way to make it so that the cursor is always near the circle, I think the piloting would be greatly enhanced.


I actually like things like this. I'm tired of MMO pvp stuff where having the right spec can make all the difference. This means there are skills like mouse control that can help a person who is good at keeping his mouse pointer within or just outside his firing arc circle defeat a player with a stronger ship but flings his cursor around the screen. Its just another skill that can make you a better player that doesn't involve upgrading your ship.

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Yea, unless I'm missing it (which I may be doing) a "distance to target" indicator would rock....then you'd know for sure if you can thrash 'em.


Great tips from the OP though!


There kind of is one. If your target isn't on screen, the red diamond gets bigger the closer your target is to you.

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How do you change it? In the interface editor I never had the ability to select any of the starfighter windows.


there is a drop down list in the Interface.Editor it lets you select the different Interface.layouts for different game modes, the Galactic.Starfighter HUD can be selected there

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1) regarding Range Indicators:

Red triangles/diamonds on HUD change in size depending on proximity of the target; the larger the icon the closer the target. Not the most exact way to tell the distance, but good enough for a quick glimpse of the surroundings.


Range is displayed in the target window on the top right corner in meters, also directly below the current target in the HUD.


2) regarding Turning in Dogfights:

The Tip of keeping the target on 12 o'clock by rolling with A/D-Keys is in fact the best way. All ships have different rolling speeds for Pitch (W/S-keys) and Yaw (A/D-keys) axis, with Pitch being larger. That means, your ship will always turn faster up/down than it will in left/right turns. Keeping your target at 12 or 6 o'clock will make you fight more effectively in close combat.


3) regarding UI-changes:

Open the interface editor and select the 'Galactic Starfighter'-option in the dropdown-list. You will only see the GS-GUI-elements.

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there is a drop down list in the Interface.Editor it lets you select the different Interface.layouts for different game modes, the Galactic.Starfighter HUD can be selected there


Thank you that's going to help me so much.

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The biggest issue I have with the red things on the side, is often I can aim for one, and notice it's like 15km away.

Would be nice if there was some indication of presence (by making the closer ones bigger or something) to make them a bit more effective...


The closer ones ARE bigger. Just not by much.

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1) regarding Range Indicators:

Red triangles/diamonds on HUD change in size depending on proximity of the target; the larger the icon the closer the target. Not the most exact way to tell the distance, but good enough for a quick glimpse of the surroundings.


Range is displayed in the target window on the top right corner in meters, also directly below the current target in the HUD.


2) regarding Turning in Dogfights:

The Tip of keeping the target on 12 o'clock by rolling with A/D-Keys is in fact the best way. All ships have different rolling speeds for Pitch (W/S-keys) and Yaw (A/D-keys) axis, with Pitch being larger. That means, your ship will always turn faster up/down than it will in left/right turns. Keeping your target at 12 or 6 o'clock will make you fight more effectively in close combat.


3) regarding UI-changes:

Open the interface editor and select the 'Galactic Starfighter'-option in the dropdown-list. You will only see the GS-GUI-elements.


Good tips for sure. I've also noticed that keeping your cursor just inside the firing arc yields the fastest turn rate. No need to jam the stick to the edge of the screen. Lowering dpi to between 1800-2000 also "slows down" the mouse a bit and makes it easier to control, until you get the hang of it.

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Good suggestion!


Although I have my own suggestion for the developers regarding flight control, perhaps to be added to a quickfix patch in the future...


When you move your mouse outside of the circle, the ship begins to turn at its maximum speed. The farther you move your mouse from center after this point increases your turning speed by nothing, however, it takes longer to pull your mouse back to center (because its farther away). My suggestion for the developers is to make it where your cursor point is never farther than a few degrees past the circle. This way, if you turn right real hard, but then need to straighten, you can sling the mouse to the right exuberantly and then move it back in a short stroke.


I wish I could paint a picture of what I'm trying to say here, but I guess the best way to put it is to cap the distance the mouse can travel from center. I have a 1600x1000ish display, so my mouse can travel well beyond the circle, which means the cursor location cannot be seen, and I have to try to "find" it again to get it back to center. If there was a way to make it so that the cursor is always near the circle, I think the piloting would be greatly enhanced.



That completely makes sense. Most flight games that I've played have a deadzone with the joystick. You let go and the craft sorta centers itself, or should I say the targeting HUD centers back to it default straight position.


Not sure that can work with a mouse, though. Still irked that this minigame does not have joystick compatability yet.

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