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Repair Bills to Personal Body Armor After Each Match


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So what was the design decision behind that? You don't have repair bills in ground PvP with potentially about the same amount of dying. In fact, in one match, though hit pretty hard (hull damage) I had 0 deaths but still had to repair my armor after I got out of the match. I guess I'll just have to run around nekkid between matches to avoid damage to my hard earned (ground) PvP set, that I normally wear. :rolleyes: Edited by BoushhDC
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After playing GS for a few hours, I had like 3,000 credits of repair costs. This seems to be the normal wear & tear of the gear. You don't really have to pay to repair gear after dying in a GS match since then the repair costs would be much higher. Edited by Jerba
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Ok, so it's not just me noticing a repair bill post dog-fight session?


That's kinda...wack.


I guess if you had to repair the ships each time, it could get costly (since ship gear is seemingly pretty costly for anything of note) - but pushing off cost to player gear seems a bit crap.




I won't stop playing, I just might ***** more about it, lol.

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My Mainhand Weapon on my VG was taking some durability damage from Starfighter matches. Since then, i've unequipped it. The rest of my gear appears to be unaffected.


That's interesting, I hadn't looked to see what pieces specifically were being affected. I had occasionally gone to vendor items (I constantly send companions out and sometimes I get schematics I've gotten 500 times already and vendor for more than they fetch on the GTN) so that's when I started noticing the "Repair" button lit up. After awhile of thinking I must be mistaken (thinking that maybe I hadn't repaired after a CZ run the day before and just forgotten), I repaired, went straight into a match. In that match I happened to have 0 deaths but my ship had been beaten up pretty good and when I came out, I was standing right by the exact same vendor. As I suspected, I had a repair bill, relatively small but still.... So no, not imagined.

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I noticed it when I had done a quest on Makeb, and as I *always do* I hit a repair droid after the fact. I then went into GSF, also incurred damage to ship, and then likewise discovered that I had repair costs to pay again. I didn't check which gear, as I never do - I just "repair all", but it seemed odd that I had to repair my toon armor after a GSF battle.
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Sounds like a bug, you should report it.

Will look for it myself next few matches... but I usually do stuff like killing inbetween queues so that made it pretty obvious to get repair bills afterwards...


Yeah, just screenshot before a match showing no damage, went into 1 match, got out, and see damage to my primary weapon (Primordial Assault Cannon Grek [Augmented]) and took another screenshot. I don't know if it might have something to do with ... who know's what... augmented, orange/customize-able, etc? Will put it in as a bug report, but again, I was on my ship, parked at fleet the whole time, so not an issue of passing through a combat zone.

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I haven't noticed repair costs, I'll have to check next time I play. But, I did notice that if I died while in a GS match, my buffs were gone when I exited the match - that happened more than once to me and my wife. So there's some kind of bug or it's not so 'disconnected from the ground game'!
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After seeing this thread (and other similar ones) I went ahead and tested it myself by repairing my gear and playing a dozen GS games.


Playing GS caused durability damage to my main hand weapon. It did not damage anything else. The repair bill is all but negligible, but it is odd nonetheless that only the main hand is affected.



Random details if it matters for trying to figure out the problem:

I was using the Sting in GS. My character is a Juggernaut. Equipped in the main hand is a tythonian force master's lightsaber. I sat on the fleet inbetween matches. Server is The Bastion. I was using group queue rather than solo queue.

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