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Harness Darkness and Dark Protection bug?


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Alright, let me preface this with saying I quite enjoy the changes to Sin-tanks in 2.5 and that everything in here applies to Shadows as well, I just know the terms for Assassins better then Shadows. Yes, it is a change some will hate it but those who love playing their Sin-tanks will adjust, adapt, overcome, and evolve. I for one am going to be one of those tanks who adjust, adapt, overcome, and evolve. Now as for adjusting I have a question on that matter with the way Dark protection interacts with a Harnessed Darkness Force Lightning, so onto the bulk of why I am making this post.



In pre-2.5 content the Harnessed Darkness read like this;

Harnessed Darkness


Shock and Wither have a 50/100% chance to grant Harnessed Darkness, which makes the next Force Lightning used uninterruptible and immune to pushback. In addition, each stack increases the damage dealt by your next Force Lightning by 25%. Stacks up to 3 times. At 3 stacks, damage dealt by Force Lightning heals you for 2% of your maximum health.


Note the bold faced words, "Damage Dealt". Which was not 100% accurate, as an Assassin was still healed when it came to their Force Lightning being resisted. Was this intended? Or was this a bug? I believe this was not a bug in pre-2.5 gameplay because it was never fixed or changed.


Now onto 2.5 content and you have Harnessed Darkness reading like this;

Shock and Wither have a [50 / 100]% chance to grant Harnessed Darkness, which makes the next Force Lightning used uninterruptible and immune to pushback. In addition, each stack increases the damage dealt by your next Force Lightning by 25%. Stacks up to 3 times. At 3 stacks, damage dealt by Force Lightning grants Dark Protection, which increases damage reduction by 1%. Dark Protection stacks up to 4 times and lasts 12 seconds.


Again note the bold faced words, "Damage Dealt". Now as of the moment of this post, a resisted Force Lightning tick actually will not grant a stack of Dark Protection. Even going further I have proof that this is occuring as this parse was done today, about 10-20 minutes ago;


I direct you specifically to the time stamp starting at: 13:39:50.478 where the log reads as follows;

13:39:50.478 Natsumii loses Dark Protection.
13:39:51.244 Natsumii loses Shield Overcharge.
13:39:51.400 Natsumii gains 6 Force.
13:39:51.405 Kinzey's Revivification heals Natsumii for 641, causing 288 threat.
13:39:51.569 Natsumii activates Force Lightning.
13:39:51.569 Natsumii spends 30 Force.
13:39:51.570 Natsumii's Force Lightning hits Asteroid Beast for 0 damage, causing 1 threat.
13:39:51.571 Natsumii gains Unshakable.
13:39:51.643 Natsumii parries Asteroid Beast's Fist Pound, causing 1 threat.
13:39:51.643 Natsumii parries Asteroid Beast's Fist Pound, causing 1 threat.
13:39:52.713 Natsumii gains Dark Protection.
13:39:52.713 Natsumii's Force Lightning critically hits Asteroid Beast for 1792* energy damage, causing 3584 threat!


You can clearly see that I lost Dark Protection before the Force Lightning was activated, a good 1 second before. but I did not gain the first stack of Dark Protection back until 2 seconds after losing them, when the second tick of Force Lightning hit as the first tick was resisted by the Asteroid Beast. The end result was me only having 3 stacks of Dark Protection by the end of the Force Lightning cast, where as in pre-2.5 Assassin Tank talents I would have gotten a heal for that resisted tick of Force Lightning and in the end been healed 4 times over the course of the 3 second cast of Force Lightning.



So developers at Bioware, I put to you the question of;

Is this intended or is this a bug? When you redesigned Harnessed Darkness did you intend for a resisted tick of Force Lightning to not grant a stack of Dark Protection.


Thank you for your time reading this and I look forward to an answer;


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