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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is it at all viable for a commando to use blaster rifles?


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Honestly, do what you like. I would advise against using a rifle in assault because it screws with the main rotation but i've seen people messing around with that sort of build (not having much success but for sh*ts and giggles in regs why not?). I personally play gunnery with a rifle and I have no complaints about my damage output. I realize it would be higher with a cannon but its high enough with a rifle to make me viable on my PVE servers regs and solo que arenas so I have no complaints. For concrete PVE numbers, in my current auged conqueror gear i'm doing a sustained dps of about 2.1k with a rifle. Not astronomical or anything to write home about but its enough to clear every HM flashpoint in the game and most HM ops.


As for people ripping at you for doing something different or inefficient, MMO communities have never been known for having any sort of manners or patience. Good grief, a while back I posted a just for fun video on these forums and the sheer amount of flaming I got for it convinced me to never bother sharing anything with this community again.


Moral of the story is, nobody is gonna delete your character if you use a rifle. You want to use it, its your character and your game. You'll be less effective but if you want to make the tradeoff then its your call. Also, if anyone intends to flame me for this, save yourself some time and don't bother. I'm not going to try to justify anything to you.

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Honestly, do what you like. I would advise against using a rifle in assault because it screws with the main rotation but i've seen people messing around with that sort of build (not having much success but for sh*ts and giggles in regs why not?). I personally play gunnery with a rifle and I have no complaints about my damage output. I realize it would be higher with a cannon but its high enough with a rifle to make me viable on my PVE servers regs and solo que arenas so I have no complaints. For concrete PVE numbers, in my current auged conqueror gear i'm doing a sustained dps of about 2.1k with a rifle. Not astronomical or anything to write home about but its enough to clear every HM flashpoint in the game and most HM ops.


As for people ripping at you for doing something different or inefficient, MMO communities have never been known for having any sort of manners or patience. Good grief, a while back I posted a just for fun video on these forums and the sheer amount of flaming I got for it convinced me to never bother sharing anything with this community again.


Moral of the story is, nobody is gonna delete your character if you use a rifle. You want to use it, its your character and your game. You'll be less effective but if you want to make the tradeoff then its your call. Also, if anyone intends to flame me for this, save yourself some time and don't bother. I'm not going to try to justify anything to you.


QFT. Do what you like. /endthread

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