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Tanking Question


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I'm not long back to this game after being gone for over 8 months. I have a level 31 Aassasin I'm gonna play again, and was thinking of going tank spec. I've looked up the tank specs, but I'm not sure where to place points at my level, was wondering if someone could do up a talent tree for my level and where the points should go. thanks
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This is what I suggest for PvE content




It may be slightly different then what other people suggest though.


I'm taking considering the Swelling Shadows 2.5 change in this set up as well, even though Tor Head hasn't updated it.


I run the exact same spec except I do not get the Electric Execution talent, I get the endurance buff instead. My reasoning is just... Well I do not care if my charge procs do more damage, I hold aggro well enough over the course of a fight and only risk losing it in the first 10 seconds of a fight where 12% more dark charge damage will not help me as much IMO.

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