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I can bite my tongue no longer about this that has been bothering me for some time.


Ravage (rank 9):

Channeled 2.97 sec

Cool down 30 sec

Range 4 meters


Performs a series of lightsaber attacks that deals 5935-7071 weapon damage over 3 seconds. Standard and weak enemies are additionally stunned for the duration of the effect. Strikes with both weapons if duel wielding. CANNOT BE INTERRUPTED.


I beg to differ the final statement in the ability description. Am I the only one with a problem with this? Knockback, stuns and blinding interrupt this ability. I understand that there are those who are happy with the fact it can be interrupted, but lets be honest, if it says it cannot be interrupted, it should not be possible to interrupt, similar to boss channeled attacks, OR, not say cannot be interrupted.

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Interrupt means jolt, distract, or any other 8-12 second interrupts. Knockbqck, stuns and escape are not interrupters. They are what they say they are.


Be nice if sin tanks force lightning could stand through knock backs and stuns, but we can't.

Edited by mastirkal
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I can bite my tongue no longer about this that has been bothering me for some time.


Ravage (rank 9):

Channeled 2.97 sec

Cool down 30 sec

Range 4 meters


Performs a series of lightsaber attacks that deals 5935-7071 weapon damage over 3 seconds. Standard and weak enemies are additionally stunned for the duration of the effect. Strikes with both weapons if duel wielding. CANNOT BE INTERRUPTED.


I beg to differ the final statement in the ability description. Am I the only one with a problem with this? Knockback, stuns and blinding interrupt this ability. I understand that there are those who are happy with the fact it can be interrupted, but lets be honest, if it says it cannot be interrupted, it should not be possible to interrupt, similar to boss channeled attacks, OR, not say cannot be interrupted.


There are two separate concepts immune to interrupts - Unshakable - and immune to incapacitating and movement impairing effects - Boss Immunity. Ravage grants Unshakable which still leaves you susceptible to incapacitating effects like knockbacks and stuns.


Also, your channel time of <3s implies that you are stacking some Alacrity. You should not have any Alacrity as a Marauder.

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Also, your channel time of <3s implies that you are stacking some Alacrity. You should not have any Alacrity as a Marauder.


My earpiece is the only thing on my character with alacrity.


Macrofiliment Might D-Device

+163 strength

+166 Endurance

+79 power

+74 Alacrity

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Its just me being nit-picky, I'm sure, but it still seems misleading. When the ability says cannot be interrupted and i see the duration bar flash red with "interrupted" in it, what it said could not happen in the description... just happened. I get it that there's a difference in interrupt and incapacitation/evasion, but it seems like splitting hairs with such a bold statement of cannot be interrupted. Guess I'll chalk it up to a gray area.
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Its just me being nit-picky, I'm sure, but it still seems misleading. When the ability says cannot be interrupted and i see the duration bar flash red with "interrupted" in it, what it said could not happen in the description... just happened. I get it that there's a difference in interrupt and incapacitation/evasion, but it seems like splitting hairs with such a bold statement of cannot be interrupted. Guess I'll chalk it up to a gray area.


Your interpretation is logical when you take it out of context of an MMO.


However this is an MMO, and some terms are definite:


Interrupts are moves that only interrupt an ability as pointed out, so an attack or move that has an interrupt effect to it.


Now you have various effects other than interrupt that will also have the side effect of disrupting a cast or channel.


However its not as readily available as an interrupt for the most part (kb having cooldowns around 30 seconds, stuns at 45-1 minutes).


So if you get stunned, well you get stunned. Your ravage will obviously be interrupted not because it had a specific interrupt to it, but because you are currently unable to act.


Immunity to interrupt means that. I cannot simply interrupt you, I have to CC or KB you. If I have such a move off cooldown.

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