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Interest in Cross-Guild Republic Ops Weds/Thurs 2000 GMT?


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Our english speaking guild Order of Light currently has about 6 regular players and another 4-6 casual players (dont attend every week) for ops running. We usually have 6-7 people running ops on weds & thurs nights. Typically we run DF/DP/TFB/S&V SM for comms and some underworld gear. We are currently trying to progress on the HM versions progress wise.


We use TS3, not ultra hardcore, some of us upload our logs to torparse and try to improve, some dont - we are mainly casual when it comes to ops attitude.


We are looking if there is another guild in similar position and ops nights who we could ally with and from there have a shared pool of people to run ops and maybe have regular pool of members who can run 16m combined. We want to keep our guild identity currently so not looking to merge right now.


Full timer roles we have (primary first):

  • Tank/RDPS/Healer
  • MDPS/RDPS/Heal
  • Heal/DPS
  • Heal/Tank
  • MDPS
  • MDPS
  • RDPS


+5 assorted part timers


If this sounds interesting, let Leorra know ingame or message me here and we can look at setting up a chat channel for eg and coordinate ops and see how this idea pans out!

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