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Dear Thejanitor


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Would the Thejanitor please meet me some day this week for a 4 hour window of solo ranked. I want my #1 spot back. IF you agree each person will stay q in the 4 hours window or if one person stop before the 4 hour agree window is up they must pay 1 million credits for wasting the other person time. We will both have to agree on who will hold the 1 million credits before the 4 hour window starts. Also I need a PT to q with since Thejanitor never plays without Frostbolt and we all know how op hybrid VG and PT are with a good healer atm.
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Don't do it. His plan is to send level 55 Republic spies and have these spies que Solo Ranked during the times he specified. Then when the spies get into your games, they will either quit or not do anything to make you lose rating. If you agree to que and do not que because his spies try to ruin your rating, then he gets credits.


A good win-win scheme, but even Darth Baras thinks it is flawed.

Edited by Ashuranrx
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Don't do it. His plan is to send level 55 Republic spies and have these spies que Solo Ranked during the times he specified. Then when the spies get into your games, they will either quit or not do anything to make you lose rating. If you agree to que and do not que because his spies try to ruin your rating, then he gets credits.


A good win-win scheme, but even Darth Baras thinks it is flawed.


If I wanted to do what you are saying I am going to do I could do that all by myself since I have 2 lvl 55 Republic. Here is your noob award:sul_confused: for a fail at trolling Ashuranrz.

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I don't understand why is ranked arena rating such a big deal? Does a high ranked rating somehow gives you a satisfying illusion of self-given grandeur that infuses you with proud and lets you stand tall in front of digital pixels controlled by people whose face and real name you don't even know? There are so many things in this game to enjoy and warzones are just a small part of them all. If you want true hardcore PvP competition, then you would be playing BF4, LoL, SC2, or whatever built solely for PvP.


For me, and I dare say many others, playing with friends and having a good time with them is more than enough, whether we are playing PvP, PvE, and or pewpewing with starships in a week.

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I don't understand why is ranked arena rating such a big deal? Does a high ranked rating somehow gives you a satisfying illusion of self-given grandeur that infuses you with proud and lets you stand tall in front of digital pixels controlled by people whose face and real name you don't even know? There are so many things in this game to enjoy and warzones are just a small part of them all. If you want true hardcore PvP competition, then you would be playing BF4, LoL, SC2, or whatever built solely for PvP.


For me, and I dare say many others, playing with friends and having a good time with them is more than enough, whether we are playing PvP, PvE, and or pewpewing with starships in a week.


Idk i really like this games pvp.. and I don't like those other games... but I'm not one of those E-peen hounds... regular warzone allstar go!

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