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OPEN-SERVER 16-man Republic SM speed & HM EV (Saturday, Nov 30, 1 PM EST)


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We will be running a 16-man Storymode EV SPEED-RUN (as fast and trololol as we can since we should stomp it in our gear, basically not wait for everyone to actually be there for trash and no fight explanations) then a Hardmode at a more normal pace immediately afterwards. We completed a server 16-man TFB last week, I'm hoping we can do as well again this time!


Saturday, Nov 30, 1 PM EST


You can sign up for fun or if you need gear or achievements.


Level 50, anyone is welcome from Jung Ma (must be subscribed or have an operation pass), no gear requirement (I suggest working on Oricon quest/dailies for some free great gear if you don't have any yet). If you are unable to post on the forums, mail "Scya", Republic, ingame! Remnants, post on our own forums in the PvE section.


Raiders must be willing to come on our Teamspeak (voice program, no microphone needed) OR know the fights off the back of their hand. Must be able to commit for 2-3 hours.


DPS - if all the DPS slots are filled but there are open healer spots, please sign up still because we can shuffle people around.



Tank: Scya (can DPS, can Heal)(Remnants)




Healer: Christian (can DPS or Tank)(Remnants)


Healer: TheJanitor (can Heal)






DPS: Eliian (on Aidus, can heal)(Remnants)


DPS: Dragon(on Elandris)(Remnants)


DPS: DaddyK (on Koi)(Remnants)


DPS: Solvarn (can Tank or Heal)(Remnants)


DPS: Tyr (Remnants)












backup Zeki


backyp Tyr

Edited by LadyAdmiral
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as a side note, why not change it to a NiM instead of a HM since you can get credit for both HM and NiM achievements when its set to NiM


Is that true? If so YES! but in the achievements section I thought there were achievements specifically for NMM.. why would they be split oup if NMM counts for both? Gunna verify when I get home!


See you Saturday Janitor!

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Alright! This is going on TOMORROW (Saturday) at 1 PM EST.

There haven't been a lot of signups so far (guessing due to Thanksgiving! Silly Americans!)

We're still going to run it anyway, on 16man mode (hehe!).


If you're still interested in joining, and wanan come dayof, just whisper me "Scya" ingame! I'll be on at least 15 minutes prior to 1 pm est.

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We had an EXTREMELY good run! We actually had 5 non-Remnants through the course of the raid, picked up at various stages. All of them were a pleasure and 10/10 would raid with them again.


Ningauble, Fiesty-force, Hexen, Brie (wierd symbol) and Morthum.. thank you for coming! Thanks everyone from RoH who came, glad we were able to get a lot of you in at least during the last fight!



Final roster:




Tank: Scya


Tank: Elandris




Healer: Christian


Healer: Rykyn


Healer: Ningauble


Healer: Fiesty-force




DPS: Eliian (on Aidus)


DPS: Dragon(on Elandris)


DPS: Serena (J'uan)


DPS: Aravail (Lynara)


DPS: Brie


DPS: Hexen


DPS: Morthum


DPS: Jasvinder


DPS: Redhand


DPS: Teddy

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