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Server Transfer?


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Hey guys, I just recently returned to SWTOR not too long ago. Unfortunately it appears the server I'm on (Jung Ma) has a pretty low server population. I say this based off how many people I see around leveling but also the fact that I wait 30+ minutes as a tank trying to find a flashpoint. I know, 30 minutes isn't too bad considering in most games it takes that long for a dps to find a group, however as a tank I find that concerning because in all the other games I played as a tank the wait is anywhere from instant to 5 minutes when the server has a nice steady active playerbase. Also the galatic trade market makes me weary as well, since the prices seem high and the stock seems low in comparison to what one might expect it to be in an mmorpg.


Is server population like this all on servers or is it just Jung Ma? If not, will there be a server merge soon considering the amount of players on this server? Is there anyway of obtaining a free character transfer, or a discounted one based off of the situation? I am a subscriber already, I'm just trying to exhaust all other possibilities before having to pay full price to switch servers. I don't want create a new character for obvious reasons, I don't wanna have to re-do fifty levels just to play with a larger group of people (I'm more than willing to leave my other toons behind, I only care about one character). I kinda feel trapped, in the respect that this server was a lot more populated when I had chosen to play on it. When I originally started playing the server was bustling with players, which is quite the opposite of it's current state.

Edited by Daikonran
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First, welcome back to SWTOR. Unfortunately, it seems you left early in the game and came back to JungMA now being the only RP/PVP server after absorbing 2 other servers. Given this, I highly doubt there will be a server merge. Depending on the time of day you are playing, I can see the wait being 30 minutes, even for a tank. It happens. I personally don't know the flashpoint pops on the other servers so you will have to bop along and check them out yourself untill someone else chimes in here. If you want to leave JungMA, you'll have to pay for it. We've been like this for a good year now. HOWEVER, December 3rd (for subscribers) and February (for non-subscribers) marks the coming of Space PvP so you'll be seeing an influx of people as they return to the game, having gotten bored of all their other MMOs.


Despite our small population, JungMA is a swell and close community. Finding yourself a guild will ensure faster pops for warzones, flashpoints and operations. Otherwise...you'll have to front the money to leave and if you choose to do that instead of investigating JungMA further and finding yourself a guild, I wish you the best of luck.


Anyone else able to chim in and give insight to the pops on the other servers?

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Thank you for your insight, it is appreciated. I guess I'm just gonna wait around and see if the population spikes when the new content is released. I had not realized that Jung Ma is the only RP/PvP server left. What time of day do you find the wait for flashpoints to be the quickest? (I'm in EST and I normally try in the evening and have to wait quite awhile)
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Are you into PvP, PvE, or a balance of both?


I know a lot of guilds do internal FP and Ops runs all week long. Lowby FPs are run through by higher levels in the guilds, and 55 HM FPs are usually run back to back with guildmates only. So they don't pug much.


If you are not in an active guild, you can feel lonely. But once you join an active guild, this server rocks.

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Thank you for your insight, it is appreciated. I guess I'm just gonna wait around and see if the population spikes when the new content is released. I had not realized that Jung Ma is the only RP/PvP server left. What time of day do you find the wait for flashpoints to be the quickest? (I'm in EST and I normally try in the evening and have to wait quite awhile)


Most of us here are EST too. Things pick up around 6pm EST on weekdays. Raids usually start around the 8-9pm EST for most guilds. The above poster is correct though. Find yourself an active guild. We have plenty so you can avoid being lonely. My guildies keep me going in this game. They give me something to look forward to seeing when I get home from work. It is SO worth it.

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That's unfortunate, I really enjoy when there are pugs. They're so much more convenient. Now that I'm 55 its even more annoying now waiting for the dungeon to pop because there is nothing else to do besides dailies. I decided to look for an endgame pve oriented guild. However the only response I got from a general chat message on the fleet was "I pity you", followed another person saying " ^ " lol


Does anyone have any good suggestions of guilds that are just starting up in PvE? I'm not looking to join a guild that's far into endgame as I don't want to be carried through any content. Or am I better off going back to the original plan of transfering servers so I can pug?

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