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No knockback,no interrupt,self heal while dealing damage


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Myself and two guildmates que'd up this evening and came across a player that was immune to all of these,we were all in teamspeak and decided to watch his casts,buffs and even made sure no healer was within range and with FIVE people hitting him not even 20% damage and then full health in about two seconds.


Then we watched him take out three players solo with not even a dent in damage,,,i am sorry but what we witnessed is utter BS,we even looked at the numbers after the match he had over 500k damage and zero deaths,,the person belong to suckafish and is an assasin.


We will be providing further proof of this in the future,even the other people we told to just hang out and watch him and all heal,it was amazing because one would think he would tone it down or something but something is very rotten with how he can pull this,is it some tweak he found? because i really do not like calling hacks but i can see no other explanation.

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At one of the nodes where he was at i made it a point to interrupt and drop damage along with four others,there was a merc that was too far away to heal him,there is just no way that one player could survive that,not with all the D CD's available stim heal etc.


I have over 26k kills on this one toon and am valor 97 and have PvP'ed since the first month the game came out and when you can sense something just isnt right,you're gut is rarely wrong after doing it this long.

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Maybe b4 you make a post like this you should look into the class a bit? If you're having a hard time with this, you should see what happens when good sins actually start playing. And if this sin 1v3ed then those players absolutely suck.



Btw 500k damage is nothing.

Edited by Aewu
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I figured there would be a response like this, it is a shame though,i have an sin and a shadow and like i have said i have PvP'ed all but two months that i took off during the summer since the game came out so are you telling me i have not seen good players of all classes?,i bet i have PvP'ed far more than you.


Or better yet are you telling me that i have no sense what so ever if something is very off? sorry bud that L2P thing is not valid with me.


It is 500k damage TAKEN,not 500k damage.

Edited by Sathid
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I figured there would be a response like this, it is a shame though,i have an sin and a shadow and like i have said i have PvP'ed all but two months that i took off during the summer since the game came out so are you telling me i have not seen good players of all classes?,i bet i have PvP'ed far more than you.


Or better yet are you telling me that i have no sense what so ever if something is very off? sorry bud that L2P thing is not valid with me.


It is 500k damage TAKEN,not 500k damage.


Trust me when I say this, there is a huge gap between players that are good and ones that are bad. 1v3 is nothing special, and I've dusted off 3 scrubs at a time with my sniper during regs...I've soled people in less than 5 secs. Think w/e u want idc anymore, did you consider gear in all this anyway? We can duel if u want

Edited by Aewu
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I figured there would be a response like this, it is a shame though,i have an sin and a shadow and like i have said i have PvP'ed all but two months that i took off during the summer since the game came out so are you telling me i have not seen good players of all classes?,i bet i have PvP'ed far more than you.


Or better yet are you telling me that i have no sense what so ever if something is very off? sorry bud that L2P thing is not valid with me.


It is 500k damage TAKEN,not 500k damage.


LOL i remember you, you also played an scoundrel healer right?

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Trust me when I say this, there is a huge gap between players that are good and ones that are bad. 1v3 is nothing special, and I've dusted off 3 scrubs at a time with my sniper during regs...I've soled people in less than 5 secs. Think w/e u want idc anymore, did you consider gear in all this anyway? We can duel if u want


With what your level 25 Gunslinger?


Ok really you are now going to bring up "Gear",there seem's to be a large number of posters here that lack critical thinking or give anyone a shred of of respect when speaking on these issue's,do you honestly think i did not look at gear? i mean c'mon are you 12?


And yes i will duel if you wish.

Edited by Sathid
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lol was this the hypergate? because that game the enemy had very little dps. And speaking as the merc healer, I had kolto shell on him which would have been ticking on him regardless of range, He's a very good assassin, your team just had very little dps and couldn't kill our tank... Definitely not hacks, just someone who knows their class well.


I've been called a hacker for not running out of energy on my scoundrel and operative when im keeping up with heals by just using hots and surgical probes because the enemy's output is low. Tried to explain the concept of tactical advantages to the guy but sometimes it's just not worth the bother to explain to people like that.

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I think you are referring to me (although SuckaFish has other sins) because I had a couple of especially good games the other night. I also feel your exaggerating the situation, the biggest fight without my pocket healer was a 1v2 definitely not 1v5. You should work on your game awareness & knowledge before accusing people of hacking, it makes you look bad more that the person you're accusing.
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