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Oricon, PVP Nov 23rd 7 PM eastern.


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Hi Folks,

we had a fantastic time last weekend. I went til around 10:30. that was a lot of Fun PVP Action.

we will be doing it again.


This is to get the Oricon PVP Achievements and the Party Jawa Achievements.

Bring your jawas and remember to pop them.


We will meet on Instance 1 and fight between the Imp and pub bases. The Only PVP gear i have is the Expertise crystal so Come at me 8) "Rednine" on the imp side or "Sithy'Mcfisto" on the pubside.


I have been keeping my flag on in Oricon while doing my dailies so if you see anyone in the "isgoingcommando" legacy feel free to attack me.


We just meet up and form ops on either side I'll be yelling out to find folks before we start.

Most likely on Imps side unless we need more on the pub side. but we have plenty that join in.


We would also like to do these on other pvp plants so Let me know if you have any suggestions.

I'll be happy to post them on here and reddit. or let me know if you posted and i'll be happy to join in and help drum up interest.


See you all then.


Also there is another PVP event going on in Outlaws Den. recommended pvp gear lvl 154 Outlaw's Den Event thread Sounds like a lot of fun. and they is a registration. Will be good if you don't like the chaos of what we are doing on Oricon 8).


Either way if it's PVP that you want You have at least two things you can do Saturday Night.

if a lot of you think it will conflict too much let me know and I can move the Oricon PVP to Sunday night.

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