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Wanting to Play Again


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I recently deiced to start playing again, my highest level character was moved to this server.

I am wondering if this server is the best place to start playing again with the mind set that I want to play end game PVE content.


Is there quite a few guilds on this server that push end game?


Would there be a better server for me to re roll on?


I don't care too much for PVP, thought I have not played much PVP on this game.

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There are plenty of guilds on this server who push progression. You can look at all the guild recruitments or simply find pugs to run with until you find the right group of people who you enjoy playing with. You need to catch up gear wise before you are ready for end content, but it's not terribly hard if you farm coms. Hellbent runs sm 16 man runs every Saturday and Sunday @ 4pm EST. Give me or any Hellbenter in the guild a psst during that time and we can see if we can fit you in.


And welcome back to the game!



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Thanks for the info, I will most likely re roll because I have no idea where or what I was doing last time I played a year ago. Just thought if I am going to re roll, might as well pick the best server for my want and needs.


If one was to play a tank, what class would you suggest? In terms of being rarer then the other class. I always liked playing the odd class that everyone always chases to get in their group.

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All tanking classes have their ups and downs. I think its really based on yoir playstyle. I am mostly familiar with imp side stuff so Sin tanks are cool, they have some great off tanking capabilities with their ability to pick up multiple adds at once easily. Powertech and Jugg tanks I find to be similar however when Kiting is needed during boss fight I would rather have a PT. Juggs I find are good for stand your ground kimd of stuff.


If you are looking to eventually raid in end game content and you are going to be Imp side please check out my guild Templars at http://www.swtortemplars.guildlaunch.com we would be happy to provide you with more guidance as you lvl and get you geared for end game raiding in a casual/progressive environment.

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I've cleared the majority of all content on all 3 types of tanks, and they all have their cool points. Describe what you want in a tank and ill help ya out


I am not sure what I want yet lol. Atm, thought I am wondering what will provide good leveling ability in terms of being able to have enough damage to kill mobs during leveling and then be able to switch over into full tank mode once i hit 55.

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Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


Welcome back Gemiini, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly guild and have people on daily on the Republic side. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies and/or Flashpoints as well as a number of people that are leveling their first toons and others leveling alts. We also run Operations 4 nights a week without strict attendance requirements if you are interested. We are not a hardcore raiding guild but we do work on Hardmode Operations.


If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info and apply!


As for a leveling tank, I've only leveled a Guardian and Shadow and with Kira we just melted through mobs leveling. As for my Shadow I stuck to using Tharan to heal me but run dailies with Nadia DPSing. I cannot speak to a Vanguard for leveling though.

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I am not sure what I want yet lol. Atm, thought I am wondering what will provide good leveling ability in terms of being able to have enough damage to kill mobs during leveling and then be able to switch over into full tank mode once i hit 55.


As someone mentioned before, a sin tank to stealth around or a powertech tank with death from above at a low level is a great AoE for clearing rooms in a hurry. The jugg takes quite a bit more time to warm up in my opinion unless you buy field re-spec and level as smash or vengeance.

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