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I dont wanna be a Smash Monkey. Carnage Stat help


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Im running full conq and 2 bits of obran, now I was carnage but couldn't decide what the best main stat would be, some said Str (friend from alliance pvp guild) some say power and not reading Nox guides id rather ask people who use mara a lot. Im a typical Smash Monkey at the moment, but i plan on going back to Carnage, i wanted to ask:


*What would your stat priority be as carnage build im presuming its str > power > Surge, when ur capped accuracy?

*What Augments would you focus on, im using the +34power n End atm in all 14slots, which doesn't feel right.


Im no Pro at mara as you can see im usually PowerTech, just need some heads up :)



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As carnage mara:

0 accuracy

0 crit

full surge

full power

augments: either str or power

I prefer power over str because it results with higher force scream, but the difference is little, so choose between slightly more damage (power) or slightly more crit (str)

Edited by cs_zoltan
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As carnage mara:

0 accuracy

0 crit

full surge

full power

augments: either str or power

I prefer power over str because it results with higher force scream, but the difference is little, so choose between slightly more damage (power) or slightly more crit (str)


Great stuff thanks.

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I personally go full power but with augmenting str. (though in all honesty having power wont make much of a difference)

0 crit - reason being i use crit relic - if you use crit relic the more crit you have on gear the less effective the relic is since it adds rating which suffers from dr if you have crit on gear the less effective it is.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Full power gear and augments, matrix cube and power proc relic. I run two accuracy enhancements, everything else is power surge. I sit at ~890 melee bonus damage 99% accuracy 74% surge.


I have no idea why anyone advocates running a crit relic for carnage. If that doesn't proc during a burst window it's totally worthless. Same deal with the power proc relics honestly. If they hadn't nerfed the EWH relics I would still be using those (and up until recently I was).. On use > Passive > Proc for burst classes in PVP. RNG is no bueno.

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Full power gear and augments, matrix cube and power proc relic. I run two accuracy enhancements, everything else is power surge. I sit at ~890 melee bonus damage 99% accuracy 74% surge.


I have no idea why anyone advocates running a crit relic for carnage. If that doesn't proc during a burst window it's totally worthless. Same deal with the power proc relics honestly. If they hadn't nerfed the EWH relics I would still be using those (and up until recently I was).. On use > Passive > Proc for burst classes in PVP. RNG is no bueno.

It isn't worthless even if it doesnt proc during a burst window (and it does proc in burst windows for me a lot of times) it is more effective thant he minimal gains from a matrix.


Anyways the main stat relic will be best after 2.5 since word on the grapevine is that is changing to be more like SA with more mainstat on lower cd and less time etcetv. So people should be getting these in advance since 2.5 Main Stat proc+SA will be like double power proc all over again if what i'm hearing is true.

Edited by AngusFTW
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