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Looking for a Oceanic Guild


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Hey all,


I've started playing SWTOR again recently on Pub side. I'm looking for a Oceanic guild (Aus/NZ) if possible, that's active and friendly. I'm currently only in the level 20 bracket ( I'm playing a gunslinger and loving it :D), so got a long way to go lol :p But I'm quite interested in end game raiding as I haven't experienced it in this game yet.

Also, my work changes often but I only work during the day, so my nights are almost always free.( 5:30PM - 10:30PM AEST) :)


My boyfriend and some of my friends have been playing also and will most likely be interested in finding a Oceanic guild too :)


Feel free to contact me on Va'lleria if you have any questions :D I'm not used to writing posts like these lol


Thanks for reading!

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