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Brighter Light Brings Darker Shadows...


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Brighter Light Bringer Darker Shadows... The More You Resist Our Power, The Stronger We'll Grow...


I sprinted through the jungles of Dromund Kaas, not daring to look behind as I darted between trees and leaped over fallen logs. I heard the snarls and growls coming from the angry predators behind me, and I quickened my pace. I hardly looked at my surroundings as I moved with increased urgency. I looked could perceive was the rain falling steadily on my back and the occasional vines whipping my arms. I cou8ld hear my heart thumping fast and hard against the inside of my chest, and heard my quick, shallow breathing as I tore through the dense forests. Also, I could feel the hard slave collar attached to the back of my neck, which I still hadn’t figured out how to remove. Suddenly, I was out in open air. The trees receded behind me, and I looked up in amazement at the huge city that was now towering before me.


I stared up at the towers and buildings that seemed to go up endlessly, my mouth opening slightly.


Suddenly, as I hesitated, I realized I had given my hunters time to catch up to me.


I whipped around, just in time to see a huge lumbering shape begin to crash down on top of me…




There was a loud noise, like someone firing a scattergun, and the large gundark backed up, grunting and growling in surprise. I looked around, still breathing hard, and saw a tall man, looking equally terrifying and holding a heavy-looking blaster rifle, aimed directly at the gundark.


I recognized the man’s imperial uniform, though I couldn’t tell his rank.


Without even flinching, the Imperial aimed directly at the huge beast, and pulled the trigger three times in rapid succession, each shot hitting the gundark in the face.


The man let off a couple more shots, to make sure he had killed it, then he turned on me.


“Who are you?” He asked in a gruff voice. He seemed to notice my slave collar, and scowled, “Some slave who managed to escape from his master, only to be chased through the jungle by a gundark?”


The man had a sparse, badly trimmed beard, and similar hair. He had a sharp, calculating look and something in his eyes that told you not to cross him.


“N-no Sir. N-not exactly…” I bit I lip, looking at him with wide eyes.


“Not exactly? What do you mean not exactly? I demand that you give me a straight answer!” He all but shouted at me.


“Please Sir, My name is Vannst. Vannst Arkstar. I was working with the other slaves to help build the statue for Lord Qet. When they revolted, I managed to escape. I ran away. I figured I could survive on my own. I guess not.” I replied hastily.


“Hmm… you bear the marks of a sith. You share their red skin. How did you come to be a slave?”


“I grew up on Tatooine. I was taken when I was fourteen. That was three years ago. But I never knew my parents. I grew up on the streets.” All this was true, but I intentionally left out one thing. The fact that the real reason no one wanted to take me in was because of my ‘gift’. My ability to manipulate the force.


(So, yeah. I was just wondering what people think, and if people tend to like it, I'll write some more.)

Edited by liamonamac
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