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what should be half of the damage given. Heals are quite overpowered in pvp. i've played 2 healers and atm the heals combined with 3+ people are impossible to kill. Swtor you nerf most dps other than sniper yet heals still do double the damage output.
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if you gonna be an idiot don't post. it was a 6v6 on alderran civil war wz. my team had 5 dps 1 heals they had 2 dps 4 heals. even with us all focusing fire on one they just kept healing and we lost one by one.


highly doubt that - 5 dds attacking one unguarded char just insta gib that one the moment his defensive CDs are on CD.

Edited by Tankqull
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highly doubt that - 5 dds attacking one unguarded char just insta gib that one the moment his defensive CDs are on CD.


sage and scoundrels have oh **** cooldowns that force dps to target switch. Without voice comms it's very hard to get everyone to switch back to the one without cds when he pops up again.


The problem though is, imo, not that healers are too strong, but that the game becomes horrible if there are too many of them in one warzone. I'd like it if they capped 8 mans at max 3 heals, 2 tanks, 4 mans at 1/1.


I play healer btw, and i absolutely hate playing with 4-5 heals in my team, win or lose. And i do lose them, frequently.

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Poorly thought post id poorly thought out.


So 4 healers makes it difficult to kill people? It also makes it hard for that team to kill anyone. If you nerf healing based on the fact on team you faced had 4 healers how in the world is one healer supposed to support an arena team? Or 1 or 2 healers support a WZ team? It would make no sense to bring a healer if heals were that ineffective.

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what should be half of the damage given. Heals are quite overpowered in pvp. i've played 2 healers and atm the heals combined with 3+ people are impossible to kill. Swtor you nerf most dps other than sniper yet heals still do double the damage output.


Sounds like the dps on your back water server are awful.

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Against 4 healers loaded up with HoT's, even with 4 DPS on 1 healer, it's going to take a long time to take that healer down. He'll respawn and be back in the fight before you take out the next healer. 4 healer teams aren't fun for either side since they can't kill you either. This isn't a fault of healing as much as it's a fail on Bioware for not having cross server queues so that we can have some sort of matchmaking in regs.
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what should be half of the damage given. Heals are quite overpowered in pvp. i've played 2 healers and atm the heals combined with 3+ people are impossible to kill. Swtor you nerf most dps other than sniper yet heals still do double the damage output.


personally I think healing should work much in the same way as the tank damage debuff from taunts, only one can be on a player at a time, so with that in mind only one healer can be be healing a player at a time, so 2 OP/Scoundrel HOTS cant be running on one player not being able to stack, with that in mind if HOTS from one player are running another player cant direct heal them until that HOT runs out. this should end the over heal epidemic and the 1or 2 million healed in wzs / arenas.

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personally I think healing should work much in the same way as the tank damage debuff from taunts, only one can be on a player at a time, so with that in mind only one healer can be be healing a player at a time, so 2 OP/Scoundrel HOTS cant be running on one player not being able to stack, with that in mind if HOTS from one player are running another player cant direct heal them until that HOT runs out. this should end the over heal epidemic and the 1or 2 million healed in wzs / arenas.


Without significant UI improvements this would make healing by far the most frustratingly awful thing to be doing in a warzone.


In fact even with said UI improvements it would probably still play like a retarded chimpanzee who discovered a banjo. To say nothing of how it would break just about every other aspect of the game.


Against 4 healers loaded up with HoT's, even with 4 DPS on 1 healer, it's going to take a long time to take that healer down. He'll respawn and be back in the fight before you take out the next healer. 4 healer teams aren't fun for either side since they can't kill you either. This isn't a fault of healing as much as it's a fail on Bioware for not having cross server queues so that we can have some sort of matchmaking in regs.


I realize this is asking a bit much from pugs but two dps and a healer using CC non-retardedly could stalemate that group of 4 *OP* healers. Leaving you two other dps to cap everything else. (4v2 for the record)

Edited by CaptainApop
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the "solution" would be not a nerf to heals, but a healers-per-match cap.

in 8v8 each team would be allowed to have max 2 healers.

how to do it? no idea. in arenas 1 healer ofc; or make it so that the heals from more than 2 healers cancell eachother, like maras buffs.

nice play tacts could come out of this.

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