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[KoNH] is now recruiting active players for [Opertations] and [PvP]


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Good day fellow gamers! My guild The Knights of New Hope is now recruiting active and fun-loving players for End Game HM Operations and PvP!


We have a nice and helpful atmosphere and boast a smaller, tight-nit group of friends. We have over 90 characters in the guild, 40 individual players, and 15 uber-active players on the republic side. We have an imp side guild as well, made up of only alts from pub side for now. The name of that guild is "The Knights of No Hope". Alts are of course welcomed in the guild. 10% bonus to XP and 8% bonus to Rep.


The guild was started officially on World of Warcraft for 3 years, then moved to this game when it was released. We have been steadily raiding since then. Now we are working on assembling PvP teams and a second progression group.


As far as progression goes, we made 12/12 in TFB HM and S&V HM prior to patch 2.4. As for the dread war operations, we are making steady progress and are currently 4/10 in HM.


We currently raid 16 man SMs Sun and Tues, 8 man HMs Wed, Thurs and Mon, and we usually switch up our Fridays and will soon be switching Suns and Tues to HM as well. All times 7pm-10pm CST.


Requirements for membership: Age: 18+ | Level 40 + | Must have or get Ventrilo |


Contact Starfate, Lexilynn or Roha in Game or Respond to this message!

Edited by Moonsleeper
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