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Ignoring The utility of Sent Watchman Healers: Good or Bad?


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So, recent Torparse activity, along with the newer Ops just dawned on me: everyone ignores healing by Sentinel, with near-total focus on DPS output. But, is this a good thing to do when considering a Sent's overall utility?


The Details (Ignore the Gloating for Now, this is all to say I mean business), to Frame the Debate:


So, currently I have the 35-best DPS Overall: http://www.torparse.com/statistics/Overall/Damage

This is also puts me as the 4th best Sentinel DPS in the game: http://www.torparse.com/statistics/Overall/Damage?ac=Jedi+Sentinel


Which is all to say so, the DPS output is no slouch there on the main purpose of my Advance Class and Specialization.


But, what was less apparent, because I was never really focused on that end, is the HPS; DOES NOT remotely even make the healing leaderboards. But, seeing the best healer is the world is 6823 HPS: http://www.torparse.com/statistics/Overall/Heals


As compared to my best in the world for Sentinel,692.8: http://www.torparse.com/statistics/Overall/Heals?ac=Jedi+Sentinel


This means Sent HPS contribution is more than 10% of the best healer playing in the game.


I'd say, when it comes to Watchman, we need to start arguing that there's more to us than just Inspiration. Don't ignore the Zen. I mean, yes, it is very bursty. First coming 93s into the fight begins a series of my MOAB's of healing: nearly 29k of heals. Next comes 40s later. And then another at 20s later.


As more fights like HM Nefra who do damage raid-wide get added to the game, it's apparent that our Zen heals -- that fountain of green that explodes from the ether -- have much, much more to contribute than most, I think give it credit for.


And this then leads into how even are people even figuring in our heals into our "Gear min-maxing / Power vs. Mainstat vs. Crit" overall performance and survivability? They're usually not. Let me restate that for accuracy: NO ONE DOES. But, how the hell can people ignore nearly 700 HPS? I don't think you can. It's part of who we are and what we do. Torparse DPS performance does have it's place, I'll tell you that. But the next time you're pugging and people just want to focus on your Torpare DPS, tell them to "L2P noob."


Are we selling ourselves too short by buying into the "What's your DPS" mentality? It's not like we're ever going to be running as an off-healer, but clearly these numbers will begin to matter.


And a final point. I've not even begun to consider theory-crafting of maximizing my heals, but seeing all the numbers that are available, I think it's definitely something that needs to be added to our bag of tricks. To hit the Sent healing jackpot, crits are really important. Does that mean we begin weighing our Mainstat vs. Power differently? Weighing our Crit. ceiling any differently? I don't know, but I'm going to start thinking about it now.



Edited by Genghistwelve
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I absolutely think our heals are under appreciated. I regularly adjust my crit rating based on the necessary HPS needed. For example, I used to stack ~200 crit rating for NiM Thrasher as there is consistent outgoing raid-wide damage and the healers really need to focus on the tanks.


Still, my analysis estimates the top damage output, which I think should be our default stat allocation. There are times when I believe it is better to stack for crit and there are times when 36/8/2 is not ideal.

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Btw I have considered the benefits of HPS so it's not fair to say "NO ONE DOES". One challenged is effective HPS vs. HPS. In other words it depends on the fight as well as your healers and tanks. Thus, it is not a question a Sentinel alone can answer.
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I don't mean to rain on your parade but there are a few points I would like you to consider.


1. Being #4 for sentinels on the overall DPS leaderboard does not make you the fourth best sentinel DPS in the game. Most of the numbers on the overall DPS leaderboard are from fights in which the boss takes increased damage such as the heavy fabricator droid in Karagga's palace, which is where your number comes from on the overall dps leaderboard. The fight was also under two minutes long which does not really give you a good idea of your sustained dps due to the inital burst in the opening moments of the fight. For sustained DPS numbers the operations training dummy leaderboards would be more accurate, however, they are not perfect either.


2. HPS means nothing. EHPS (effective heals per second) is the real number every healer should strive for. EHPS is the healing party members receive that they actually need. Any heals they receive when they are already at 100% health are wasted. With that being said in fights with lots of raid wide damage the sentinel EHPS and HPS tend to be fairly close to each other but in fights where say the tanks are taking most of the damage sentinel heals become nearly useless. On top of this about 50% of all healing done by a sentinel goes to themselves and not the raid group. This is great if you personally are taking lots of damage but not so good if you are staying near 100% during the course of the fight.


while the healing aspects of watchmen spec are an attractive utility, they are not all they are cracked up to be. In my opinion they do not add a significant amount of overall healing to the people who need the heals most. As a sentinel the focus should be solely on damage output and let the healers worry about keeping everyone alive.


- just my 2 cents.

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