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~Free2Play needing Vs. Subscriber needing~


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So this has been a reoccurring issue that's been bothering me like crazy. I'm all about the whole free2play movement because it brings in new fingers, BUT something needs to change when it comes to "Looting" gear. We got a bunch of this green horns needing any piece of gear that comes across their screen and most of the time they get it for some strange and miraculous reason. Here's the part that gets me, you'll explain how they don't need that specific gear and convince them to give it up, BUT WAIT! They can't because they cant trade! That's the kicker! Then it's like well screw it, the f2per is gonna keep the piece of gear that I could of used because I know I'm gonna forget about it within 5 minutes and the f2per will too so they're not gonna mail it to me.


Aside from the rambling I'm suggesting that Free2play needing should not trump Subscriber needing. Now I know what I'm suggesting is not so simple to make some new coding and what not over night. But hopefully this is something we can consider and get into motion soon. I know this probably wont be too popular with the free2players but in my honest opinion, they don't pay for the game and I do. I shouldn't be getting rolled over on for gear that I need.

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As someone who likes to frequently run Ops, subscribers are just as bad when it comes to loot ninja'ing. Punishing all F2Pers like this when subs do it every single at 55 is unfair to F2Pers. Talk to them about it, explain the need/greed system and hopefully they'll not do it again.
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It would be better to restrict Need rolls to classes that can use them


I agree. I understand what OP is saying, but it isn't just F2P. And frankly the ability to trade would be totally redundant - they're playing dumb, OP, they wouldn't trade you even if they could, it's just an excuse to ninja loot and then act like they're a good guy. It's disingenous and trading would not help.


But Milandur's suggestion would be awesome. Need is for your own class, greed is for your comps, alts, whatever.

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Im played at beta , then quited and joined again at F2P launch. All this time i meet about 7-9 ninjas , half of them were subs...So its unfair to punish all f2players , if they don`t spend money for subs , doesn`t mean they don`t spend money on swtor , i know bunch of people who are on f2p system , but spending big amounts of money on CC.
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It would be better to restrict Need rolls to classes that can use them, or to give F2P players the ability to trade loot on bind timers.


this is long overdue and much needed.


and as others have said, you can't make the f2pers need any less.. "needy". even if it were, you'd still be faced with the problem of them needing on everything when everyone else is greeding.

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this is long overdue and much needed.


and as others have said, you can't make the f2pers need any less.. "needy". even if it were, you'd still be faced with the problem of them needing on everything when everyone else is greeding.


I don`t have a problem if someone press need even if that item isn`t for him , if can give good reason for it before he pressed. For example : We are doing hard Fp , our gear is better then drops there ( moddable gear ) so for example boots,chest,helm drops . Someone who is diffrent class but he can wear it ( for example he is merc or PT and item is for juggs by stats ) if he says , hey people! can i need it please? It has realy good visuals and it will be a great in my set. Then why not? i don`t need it so i pressed greed but it wil lrealy help him so why again no?

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