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Thoughts and Suggestions on Sentinel / Marauder Combat / Carnage Spec for PVP


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I get 9k hits all the time what are you talking about? Lol


I am completely geared and know what I'm doing. I only get 9k crits on undergeared players in regular warzones. When I play ranked against geared players, highest I see is 7k. Additionally, if you are being taunted as you should in arenas, you may never see more than 5 or 6k--this happens when DPS classes are taunting as well.

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it is possible on geared players. The guy in the video was geared.

FR proc and SA proccing together + leap buff will hit those kinda numbers. That is what happened there.

I hit 9k+ practically every wz as combat since the main stat relic got changed.


Even with both relics proccing together, 9k hits on full Obroan players almost never happen. I'm happy if I break 8k in my full Obroan. We are an RNG spec and sometimes RNG does work in our favor. But most times, we are the victims of bad RNG. I would still bet the guy in the video was undergeared.

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I hit full Obroan geared DPS/tanks in arena for 8.5-9.5k fairly often. Highest hit I remember seeing was 9843 on an AP PT. I literally only do team arenas and play Carnage. I highly doubt the highest rated PT on Bastion/PoT5 is undergeared or in PVE gear and I have hit him for over 9k more than a few times lol
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I hit full Obroan geared DPS/tanks in arena for 8.5-9.5k fairly often. Highest hit I remember seeing was 9843 on an AP PT. I literally only do team arenas and play Carnage. I highly doubt the highest rated PT on Bastion/PoT5 is undergeared or in PVE gear and I have hit him for over 9k more than a few times lol


I find this highly unlikely. I also play combat exclusively and do ranked often and I've never hit a tank much less a dps that hard. I have full Obroan and all surge. I have also talked with a ton of other sents/maras and no one has ever hit that hard, especially on a tank. And I do know how to DPS on this class. You can check out my parse on torparse.

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Force Scream on Insomniaq in round one, max expertise in tank gear.


To be honest, I'm not sure how it happens as I have never hit a tank or DPS that hard that was full Obroan. I'm not saying that we don't hit hard, but I've never hit anyone in a ranked match that hard and I'm full Obroan and min/maxed for DPS (full power mods and power/surge enhancements). Perhaps there is something I'm missing, but I haven't seen it, even with both relics and precision up. I am definitely open to suggestions here, but all of the other carnage/combat players I've spoken to haven't seen hits that hard on geared players either.

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Are you hitting guarded targets or something? I didn't have a single game tonight with my highest hit under 8.5k most games were 9-9.5k. I'm pretty sure I didn't even have a relic procced when I got that hit.


You know, often my team does have me on a guarded target now that you mention it, but those hits are usually about 5-6k, but I am also always being taunted. I hard switch when necessary. Just depends on what the team wants. But even then, tanks swap guards so much, it's like we often are hitting guarded targets no matter what. Depends on the cc's we get too. When I hard switch to an unguarded target, my blade storms are 8kish. Maybe taunts? How are you geared?

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Even with both relics proccing together, 9k hits on full Obroan players almost never happen. I'm happy if I break 8k in my full Obroan. We are an RNG spec and sometimes RNG does work in our favor. But most times, we are the victims of bad RNG. I would still bet the guy in the video was undergeared.


Sorry I'm late on posting.


Doing well to control my rage since you have know idea what you're talking about so I'll try to instruct you calmly.


1. I was BiS Obrian 5 days after arena came out. I've yet to run into a sentinel or marauder that out stats myself.

2. Guy wasn't geared? He was full obrian but why does it matter? Gore gives 100% armor reduction......

3. Armoring doesn't matter in bolster! Bolster makes all armorings and hilt bolstered to the same level..

4. Maybe you should watch more than just one video in my stream, you'll learn a thing or two about playing that spec correctly.

5. You should listen to the others on the post. You fail to achknowledge what's before your eyes cause you're not doing it yourself. This doesn't make it wrong.

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I find this highly unlikely. I also play combat exclusively and do ranked often and I've never hit a tank much less a dps that hard. I have full Obroan and all surge. I have also talked with a ton of other sents/maras and no one has ever hit that hard, especially on a tank. And I do know how to DPS on this class. You can check out my parse on torparse.


You're talking about parses, that's your problem.


Watch my past streams of us doing rated and I guarantee you'll finish bewildered.


I didn't link my 9.2k scream cause it was a big scream. I linked the video cause I thought it was funny that the other marauder with me hit his scream at the exact same time, resulting in the vanguard going from 18k health to 0. I hit 8k+ screams on average all the time. The video I posted was just for kicks and giggles.

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You know, often my team does have me on a guarded target now that you mention it, but those hits are usually about 5-6k, but I am also always being taunted. I hard switch when necessary. Just depends on what the team wants. But even then, tanks swap guards so much, it's like we often are hitting guarded targets no matter what. Depends on the cc's we get too. When I hard switch to an unguarded target, my blade storms are 8kish. Maybe taunts? How are you geared?


I believe another problem with playing a combat sentinel is when you're not in command of target swapping.


The key to playing your spec is utilizing your burst. When people call targets for you, it really limits your burst because you won't necessarily have the CDs or procs that you need to do so making it very easy for teams to counter your hard switches.

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Combat/Carnage plays very differently in pvp then to pve since 2.0 in my experience so talking about dummy parses when it comes to pvp is... mehhh.


A guy that plays combat/carnage in pvp well won't go and do 3.6k parses right off the bat if he gets full 78s and tries his hand at it in PVE without work but also a guy trying to do pve rotations in pvp won't get very far either...

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Combat/Carnage plays very differently in pvp then to pve since 2.0 in my experience so talking about dummy parses when it comes to pvp is... mehhh.


A guy that plays combat/carnage in pvp well won't go and do 3.6k parses right off the bat if he gets full 78s and tries his hand at it in PVE without work but also a guy trying to do pve rotations in pvp won't get very far either...


Exactly. There is no actual set rotation when playing PvP as combat/carnage. Picking and choosing best times to use your abilities/burst is key.

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Combat/Carnage plays very differently in pvp then to pve since 2.0 in my experience so talking about dummy parses when it comes to pvp is... mehhh.


A guy that plays combat/carnage in pvp well won't go and do 3.6k parses right off the bat if he gets full 78s and tries his hand at it in PVE without work but also a guy trying to do pve rotations in pvp won't get very far either...


Firstly, I am not a fool who thinks pve and pvp are the same. Secondly, combat/carnage parsing does not have a set rotation either---it is completely situational---which is why I love it. The only point I was making is that I know how to take advantage of gore windows. You can ask the players on my server, I do know how to play my class. I almost always top the boards. I just do not get 9k+ hits very often on other players even with all my CD's up.

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Sorry I'm late on posting.


Doing well to control my rage since you have know idea what you're talking about so I'll try to instruct you calmly.


1. I was BiS Obrian 5 days after arena came out. I've yet to run into a sentinel or marauder that out stats myself.

2. Guy wasn't geared? He was full obrian but why does it matter? Gore gives 100% armor reduction......

3. Armoring doesn't matter in bolster! Bolster makes all armorings and hilt bolstered to the same level..

4. Maybe you should watch more than just one video in my stream, you'll learn a thing or two about playing that spec correctly.

5. You should listen to the others on the post. You fail to achknowledge what's before your eyes cause you're not doing it yourself. This doesn't make it wrong.


There is no need to be rude here, and I do, in fact, know how to play the class. And you do not get over 3.6k parses without knowing how to take advantage of gore windows. I know PVE and PVP are different--I was never suggesting they are the same. But you do not parse that high without knowing how to utilize your abilities in your gore windows- which translates very well to PVP. And I didn't say it was wrong. If you read later posts, you would see that I just said I did not see it very often----and I am not the only one saying this. But I am acknowledged as a threat in ranked and am constantly being taunted and cc'd by both DPS and tanks. So you should not make assumptions here.

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Don't take it personally, Mosh is kind of a dick. Pretty good player though. If your team is doing any kind of frequent target swapping you need to be the one to make that call as combat. Making a switch when you don't have burst is a waste of time and a bad call for the team.
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Don't take it personally, Mosh is kind of a dick. Pretty good player though. If your team is doing any kind of frequent target swapping you need to be the one to make that call as combat. Making a switch when you don't have burst is a waste of time and a bad call for the team.


I definitely will do from now on. Thanks for the tip Racter!

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Don't take it personally, Mosh is kind of a dick. Pretty good player though. If your team is doing any kind of frequent target swapping you need to be the one to make that call as combat. Making a switch when you don't have burst is a waste of time and a bad call for the team.


I thought that was my tip :p


Yeah and true, I tend to be a dick sometimes cause I've been playing melee so long I forget a lot of what I say isn't common sense to everyone. So I apologize.


Also, if you're trying to melt a hybrid vanguard/pt tank that has 33-35k health, don't try to hard stun them and kill. Since they're running tactics/advanced pyrotech, they will take 30% less dmg while stunned from single target dmg,

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