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New Talent Idea for Carnage


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Ok, so i was kinda thinking about something today.


Ravage doesnt get buffed in any spec for Marauders, but it's one of our hardest hitters. Why not make Ravage giv a buff?


And my thinking got me to this idea


Overwhelm (An existing talent in Carnage) Gets Changed to this.


Overwhelm: Ravage has a 50%/100% Chance to grant 10 seconds of 10% Proc Chance on Slaughter and Execute, and 1.5%/3% Damage, Also Reduces the Cooldown of Ravage by 3/6 Seconds


This would help with RNG at the beginning of a fight, and with damage on your Proc gaining part, Massacre counts for a good 30% to 40% of our damage, so why not give our least damaging part, the Proc Gain part, a little boost 3% isnt that big. 3% of 2000 (a rough average of my Massacre damage) is only 60. That would make this average be boosted up to 2060, that isnt too significant but stack that with Berserk with the 4 Piece Set Bonus. that turns into 13% and that turns into 2260 Damage, now this is just on massacre. Think of Force Scream, my average Crit Scream with Gore is about 5500. 13% of 5500 is 715 extra damage. that's 6215 Damage. Our damage already suffers from RNG, so why not help the RNG and the damage we deal while trying to proc our procs?

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