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Megapt's AP PvP Guide - Multiple Rotations, CD Management, different Gearing Setup


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I use as few acronyms as possible so that way newer PT's can have an easier time reading the abilities and figuring out what is it. When I first rolled PT a year ago, looking at DPS rotations that people listed off as "ED -> TD -> IM -> RS -> RP -> FB -> RS" etc. looked cool for the hardcore but difficult to read for more casual players.


There are actually multiple rotations which I use for optimal DPS in WZ's and Arena, after following Koozies guide in gearing, I started to change things around and I actually noticed significantly higher burst damage and an overall DPS increase. I think at Koozies level of play it doesn't matter what gear he is in, he will play outstanding and rape face.


Though he mentions CD management, there are a few things left out, which I think are on purpose ^_-. Maybe they are all common sense but these are tricks I picked up and see very few doing, as I write this I'll explain how I use them in Arena and Warzones.


I'll be following the same formatting that Koozie uses as his guide is very well written. I will also talk about the comp that I run, AP/Tank, Full AP, Smash, Operative healer.


DISCLAIMER: I am posting my build and what works for me, as every great player will tend to do something unique which works the most effectively for them, so if you find that his build does more DPS for you then follow his gear build.



Before listing my gear, I wanna talk about the crit modifiers that AP has:

6% to all Fire abilities (Immolate/Flamethrower/Flame Burst don't quote me but I believe Shoulder Cannon and Explosive Dart are effected by this talent as well.)

23% to Rocket Punch (8% from Talents and 15% from 4 piece Set Bonus)

100% to Rail Shot from Talents.

25% from Explosive Fuel for 15 seconds.


When looking at that, it's enough to make even Smash Marauders jealous, hence why I chose the full power build over a more crit oriented build for my 4v4 setup. If you see me on POT5 wearing crit gear that is because I am Solo Queuing and in Ion Cell we don't get 100% crit on Railshot, due to this I explain a few times in my guide that I wear crit implants/earpiece for Solo Queue. You can view the exact gear setup I use in Solo Queue and 4v4 Queue below:




Solo Queue Arena Gear (DPS Generator) - http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/7af3bfc2-92c2-45c5-8c96-b16ce4e00a12

Solo Queue Arena Gear (Shield Generator) - http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/998ef2ca-74c8-4076-b4c2-21c6664618f6

4v4 Arena Gear -http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/d75c6668-febe-4628-8068-fa2d6ea119b5

http://imageshack.us/f/18/3md3.jpg/ - Link to bolstered stats


WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA MEGAPT... YOU HAVE 1636 EXPERTISE IN YOUR SOLO QUEUE ARMOR AND 1336 IN YOUR 4v4 GEAR?... WHAT IS THAT??? With that exact gear build Bolster will take you up to 2018. Your Tech Bonus damage will also jump to over to 1500 in the 4v4 setup, I'm not going to get into the specifics, but if you follow the build I posted you can figure it out. This build also costs me about 1500 HP to do, I gain 20 bonus damage for it and 1% surge. In the end, this is a minor difference and will boil down to personal preference, HP or Damage? I feel extremely tanky as AP and don't feel the need to run more than 30k HP with the defensive tools we have at hand.


You can also save yourself a LOT of commendation farming and focus on the rest of your gear by not having to purchase Implants and Main Hand/Off Hand. We're talking 9800 RWZ Comms.



In Solo Queue this is a bit different as healer skill varies frequently, so I put on PvP implants to get 1k HP back, plus in the Solo Queue spec we don't have 100% crit to Railshot so I wear Crit Implants/Earpiece to give extra crit as it's actually important to have some since you don't get 100% crit on Railshot in Ion Stance.




Using the Crit Relic now with Serendiptious Assault power relic.



Quote from Ottoattack:

Some facts:


1 aim = 0.2 bonus damage. 1 power = 0.23 bonus damage. 1 aim = 0.0028% crtitc approximately.


29AX stats are excluding expertise:


72 aim

49 endurance

27 Power


Bonus damage = (72*0.2*1.14) + (27*0.23) = 22.626


29X stats are excluding expertise:


59 aim

44 endurance

49 power


Bonus damage = (59*0.2*1.09) + (49*0.23) = 24.772


29X provides 2.096 bonus damage per mod compared to 29AX. I can't calculate the critic exactly, but the crtitc gain from having 29AX will be approximately 0.036% critic gain per piece (13 aim x 0.0028%). If you multiply by 9 for 9 pieces its 18.864 bonus damage vs 0.325% critic. I can safely tell you that 19 bonus damage is much more valuable than 0.325% critic. You gain 5 endurance with 29AX, but that's worthless attribute for dps.


Talent builds:

For Warzones and 4v4 Arena 8/36/2 - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMhZMsMMRrRRkGGzZb.3

For Solo Queue Arena 10/36/0 - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMhMZRsrrobRRzGGz.3


Cylinders :

High Energy Gas Cylinder for 4v4 Arenas - I prefer DPS in group matches. There is no point in running Ion Cylinder if you already have a main tank, one guard is enough and you lose a lot of DPS. I've been running the same exact spec. as Koozie since I first started playing AP just before 2.4.


Ion Cell for Solo Queue Arena - I also prefer winning more than losing and you can control the outcome of a match so much easier as Ion Cell, but I also run a different spec specifically for Solo Queue which is listed above.


The primary difference between the two is I obviously do not get Pneumatic Boots, Charged Gauntlets and Prototype Cylinder Ventilation talents as they are tied to High Energy Gas Cylinder. Instead I get "Hitman" which reduces the CD of your interrupt by 2 seconds, and 2 point in Prototype Electro Surge to shave 10 seconds off of my primary stun, and 1 point in Power Armor. The secondary difference is I drop Iron Fist for Rebraced Armor which when bolstered I'm at nearly 11k Armor.


You might ask why I don't drop Immolate and pickup Oil Slick? Most Solo Queue Arena matches are 4 DPS vs 4 DPS, which means you need to put out more pressure than the enemy team while taking less damage and the loss of Immolate is too huge of a DPS burden. You can still put out 1200+ DPS matches if they are quick. Most of these games are decided before your 7th shoulder cannon leaves your shoulder. I put guard on the highest DPS person on my team or the person they are most likely to focus fire. Then I run in with 7 shoulder cannons and 3 stacks of Prototype Flame thrower, pop Hydraulic Overrides, AoE taunt their highest DPS, then unload 7 Shoulder Cannons while doing one of the rotations listed later in this guide. I'll guard swap as needed, but 99% of the time you can be positive they will generally tunnel one target. Between Warzone Adrenal, Medpac, Energy Shield, Kolto Overload you aren't going down anytime soon even with Guard on a target thats getting focused. In the time it takes them to put any significant pressure on a target they are on, you've annihilated most of their team. I have a 2 win to 1 loss ratio in 4v4, was 3 wins to 1 loss but I got on an unlucky streak with teammates.



To use a shield or not to use a shield? That is a question I get a lot. Most games I do not use a Shield Generator, I find myself using it in games where I know I'll be targeted and attacked first. That comes from knowing your opponents and knowing when you'll be the best target for them to attack. Sometimes I'll put it on in games where I know I have two strong DPS and I want to be less of a burden to my healer. You lose no Ranged Bonus damage, but you lose about 90 tech bonus damage if you have identical armoring/mod/enhancement in your Shield Generator like I do. I have multiple of everything pretty much. My PT is in a sea of Obroan gear, a lot of it sitting in the bank. Just remember that you do not get 100% crit on Railshot in Ion Stance so wearing Crit Implants/Earpiece is very important to maintain a certain level of damage in Solo Queue Arena.


Both High Energy Gas Cylinder and Ion Cylinder for Warzones - I still use the 8/36/2 spec. and primarily stay in High Energy Gas Cylinder stance but I usually queue up with a healer that I play with on a regular basis. When we queue for Warzones we're not so much focused on winning the objectives of the map, we're focused on putting out high damage, high healing, and zero deaths as that is essentially the objective of Arena.


Him and I will find ourselves in 2v3/4/5/6 situations frequently thus why I keybind Guard, Ion Cell and High Energy Gas Cylinder so if he is taking focus fire I will quickly stance swap to Ion Cell, guard him and continue DPSing, once he is caught up on heals I swap back to High Energy Gas Cylinder until Ion Cell is needed again. Don't for one second think that stance swapping Warzones is not viable, it is very much so and is a staple part of my gameplay when with friends. You temporarily sacrifice damage, but by stance swapping to guard your healer so he stays alive, you will generally stay alive, and being alive = more dps then being dead. You'll also notice that you and your teammate are frequently winning 2v4+.





Running to the target: Explosive Dart -> Rapid Shots


Basic Rotation: Retractable Blade, Immolate, Rocket Punch, Railshot, Flame Burst, Flameburst, Flamethrower


Basic Rotation with 3 stacks: Retractable Blade, Immolate, Rocket Punch, Railshot, Flamethrower


My Rotation: Retractable Blade, Rocket Punch, Immolate, Railshot, Flame Burst, Flame Burst, Flamethrower (You can cut out Flameburst if you have 3 PFT stacks).


AoE Rotation 1 - Explosive Dart -> Prototype Flame Thrower -> Carbonize -> Death From Above


AoE Rotation 2 - Explosive Dart -> Death From Above -> Carbonize -> Flamethrower


Now if I can get away with using Basic Rotation above I will, but if I am targeting a smasher, or being focus fired I will be using "My Rotation" as I can kite more effectively and be out of Smash Range. The reason why I feel like my rotation is stronger in most situations is that 4m range is harder to get into, especially if you get snared and don't have Hydraulic Overrides up, you have to get much closer to your target instead of playing like the Pyro most of us miss, so I try to always time both Retractable Blade and Rocket Punch together so I have to be in 4m range for 3 short seconds then focus on DPSing at a 10m range. There is nothing more annoying than doing the "Basic Rotation", Retractable Blade, Immolate, and then being snared, stunned, or knocked back so you then have to spam Flame Burst until you can get back into 4m range for the next attack. But by doing this rotation, after the stun, knockback, or snare you can still do your 30m ranged Railshot for 5k+ and not have to run into 4m range to get Rocket Punch Before. This also allows you to use Immolate as you get back into 10m range.


Explosive Dart is to be used when focus firing a target that is frequently surrounded by 1 or more players. This will maximize your DPS and put out more AOE pressure.


Flamethrower - Koozie brought up a lot of great points which I'll quickly cover and then add my own thoughts:


In situations where there are more than one enemy, it is a high priority move.

In situations where there is one enemy and he has 30% AoE damage reduction (Assassins, AP PT's, Marauders) it is a low priority move.

Carbonizing 2 or more players into a Prototype Flamethrower is a surefire way to get a full one off.

When fighting Sorcs, Mercs, Snipers using Hydraulic Overrides right before to ensure you don't get knocked back during it's channel.


Now here are things that I do with my Prototype Flame Thrower:



Build 3 stacks in the starting area of Arena or Warzone. You can build stacks while in starting areas by simply doing a Flame Sweep. Never start an engagement from the spawn without at least 3 Prototype Flame thrower stacks ready to go. Ensure that you space them apart appropriately that you have enough time to go to zero heat before your engagement starts. You can actually just do 2 stacks since you'll more than likely open with Immolate (Which builds a stack), but in the starting area you have 30 seconds on the timer so really there is no excuse to not just go ahead and build 3, on top of that you'll have to probably refresh at least one more time before the engagement even starts.


Peeling - After getting 3 stacks, and any of my teammates are being tunneled and need breathing room I use this on a melee to give my teammate time to kite. This is possibly the best peeling tool outside of stuns in the game.


A cool trick I like to do on a regular basis if I see 2 or more melee tunneling the same target when I have 3 PFT stacks up and I cannot be CC'd during PFT, Explosive Dart -> (If there is a Knockback Class I will Hydraulic Overrides right before PFT) Prototype Flame Thrower -> Carbonize -> Death From Above. This is the highest AoE Damage rotation you can do and does ridiculous damage. I have effectively melted arena teams, and used in tandem with a Hybrid AP Tank you will have their entire team at 20% life before they know what to do. More into that later.


In WZ's if you are in a situation where you're not fighting, or rotating nodes, or in Arena if you've been knocked off a ledge and you're running to get back into the fight if you don't already have 3 Prototype Flamethrower stacks built and you're not using Flame Sweep to build it back up while running back into the fight you're doing it wrong. Any break in fighting due to rotations or running should be spent building PFT's before every engagement or re-engagement. Food for thought.


Key Abilities:


Explosive Fuel


You shouldn't try, but ALWAYS use Explosive Fuel in conjunction with Shoulder Cannon and 3 Stacks of PFT. Shoulder Cannon has a shorter CD than Explosive Fuel but if you time this correctly you can get your 7th Shoulder Cannon to line up perfectly with Explosive Fuel. This takes a bit of forethought so make sure you are always playing a few moves ahead when you're doing this. This is one of those things that seperates good AP PT's from bad/typical ones.


When using Explosive Fuel ensure 7 shoulder cannons, 3 stacks of Prototype Flamethrower AND you already have Retractable blade on your target are up as well as the beginning of a full rotation. My typical Rotation during this burst window:


Explosive Dart -> Explosive Fuel -> Immolate -> Rocket Punch -> Rail Shot -> Prototype Flamethrower -> KABOOM


You can fit all of this in your Explosive Fuel window AND then some. Ensure that you get ALL your shoulder cannons off during this window, do not hold onto any, it should be on CD to ensure that you're next Explosive Fuel lines up with Shoulder Cannon.


To note, as soon as Shoulder Cannon comes off cooldown you will still have roughly 20+ seconds until Explosive Fuel comes off CD so pop Shoulder Cannon, by the time Explosive Fuel comes off of CD you will have 7 Shoulder Cannons ready to go and this is when you should start preparing yourself for the above rotation.


Koozie really nails it for the rest of the abilities and you should def. read his guide which you can find here:



AP PT Hybrid Tank, AP PT, Smash Marauder, Operative Healer :


God comp. It countercomps most teams.


PT Tank goes to get Oil Slick, then the rest in AP.


You and your Powertech are generally going to be on the same target while your Marauder sits on healers/Smashes tons of targets. Powertechs should be on the same target so you can use your abilities in Tandem with each other. My PT partner and I will do something like this:


I will Explosive Dart then Carbonize a group of players followed by a 3 stack PFT, my AP Hybrid Tank partner will then Death From Above, he will then Carbonize the same group of players and 3 stack PFT followed by an Oil Slick while I Explosive Dart, then Death From Above. You throw a Smash or two in that and we're talking an entire Arena team is nearly wiped.


Another reason is for peeling, what better way to peel a Melee off your healer then to put a Marauder in one PFT 90% snare immediately into another one. Not to mention two single target stuns, taunts etc. Single target taunt should be used on Cooldown as it costs no global and should be on the highest DPS person on the enemy team at all times.


ALWAYS coordinate your AoE Taunt with your PT to ensure that they aren't being overlapped. By coordinating taunts with your fellow AP you can essentially keep the highest DPS person on their team permanently doing 30% less damage, and then stacking AoE taunt for every hard swap. Couple that with guard swapping, stuns, etc. then you're team is literally unkillable. Every target on your team is undesirable hence why it's god comp.


Coordinate Pulls to keep targets from kiting you. With two pulls on a 45 second CD + Hydraulic Overrides and Stun/CC Breakers you should always be connecting with your target. Coordinating your pulls so they aren't wasted will ensure that no sorc, marauder, merc will never be outside of your 10m range for more than a few seconds.




About myself:

I wrote the Carnage Marauder gear guide back in 1.0 before I rerolled to Powertech. I also played a Rank 1 Arena Hunter in The Burning Crusade expansion and was the highest rated player in the world in all 3 brackets for a time in Season 3 while Hunters had the worst representation (Kind of like Mercs in SWTOR). I was most notable not just for my arena ratings but because of my 2v2 guides that helped a lot of Hunters get 2200+ ratings, and my 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 videos that have since fallen off fileplanet. I'm currently deployed to the Middle East and play on Prophecy of the Five with a 200-250 ping. I've played with and against <Casual>, and with <Hey Im MVP> for a short while when I rerolled a toon there on my Powertechs back when Pyro was FOTM.


I rerolled to PT after stun bubble became rampant, as I didn't enjoy playing a true melee class and sitting in stun after stun after stun, and I hated Rage Spec. I liked PT because I still felt like a melee except I didn't have to eat most AoE damage and I could pop bubbles out of it's stun range. One of the reasons why I like to RB -> RP is because I like being at that 10m range.


I'm also a huge ******e and people hate me, but I enjoy writing guides, so I do them. I'm also an elitist and get told frequently that my posts have subtle elitist undertones, sorry I cannot help how I write, don't take it personally.

Edited by Megatfx
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interesting information on the gear. I had heard that non-pvp jewerly could actually boost stats but initial testing with some of the high end pve gear proved otherwise. HOwever, you appear to be using crafted lvl 54's and that may actually be the reason why.


as for the MH / OH mods, can you please give information on how to obtain the 61, 63 and 69 level mods in question. If the answer involves OPs raids... I'm screwed.


Any reason you didn't apply the same logic of implants to your earpiece?

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interesting information on the gear. I had heard that non-pvp jewerly could actually boost stats but initial testing with some of the high end pve gear proved otherwise. HOwever, you appear to be using crafted lvl 54's and that may actually be the reason why.


as for the MH / OH mods, can you please give information on how to obtain the 61, 63 and 69 level mods in question. If the answer involves OPs raids... I'm screwed.


Any reason you didn't apply the same logic of implants to your earpiece?


69's you can buy, 63's and 61's I had in the bank from WH/EWH. I dunno about those.


The jewelry does not actually give you bolstered stats, it gives you the same power as the Obroan essentially but it gives you a lot of secondary stat (Surge).


As for the Earpiece you'll see that the stats on them didn't fit the profile of what I was trying to do. It had accuracy on them which I believe is a useless stat for AP and less power than the obroan.

Edited by Megatfx
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Cool guide. The power stacking definitely works it just isnt for me. Also ppl be aware of if you exploit expertise and someone calls you out for a duel outside a warzone you will be destroyed if they have 2018 expertise. Some decent tips and looking forward to a vid. Our ranked build is op heals ap pt smash mara and sin tank...everyone is so similar these days...sin tank is amazing for 4 v 4.
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i want to see 2 screenshots by you


1: a screenshot in the warzone/arena of yourr stats with the mixed pve gear

2: a screen in the warzone/arena with full obroan


i want to see the difference in the wz´s as the pvp gear gets bolstered as well , the link to askmrrobot to check the stats dont rly helps as mrrobots dont calculate the bolster. if you cant show it to us saying that this is better then this can be totaly ignored.


Good guide so far

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Cool guide. The power stacking definitely works it just isnt for me. Also ppl be aware of if you exploit expertise and someone calls you out for a duel outside a warzone you will be destroyed if they have 2018 expertise. Some decent tips and looking forward to a vid. Our ranked build is op heals ap pt smash mara and sin tank...everyone is so similar these days...sin tank is amazing for 4 v 4.


Unrelated questions to AP. Does your sin tank run in tank or dps gear?

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Great guide Mega. Definitely appreciate the pointers from moving from full tank to AP tank. I know from playing against you run more DPS than tank, but lets say I was your AP tank partner in your 4's GodComp how would you want my PT gear differently than what you showed? I appreciate your insight.
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pneumatic boots in tank stance is utter useless, stopped reading there sorry.


LOL, just noticed that, it was an accident. I was just clicking through really quickly and picked it up. Fixed

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Great guide Mega. Definitely appreciate the pointers from moving from full tank to AP tank. I know from playing against you run more DPS than tank, but lets say I was your AP tank partner in your 4's GodComp how would you want my PT gear differently than what you showed? I appreciate your insight.


The "tank" runs a shield generator with DPS mods. Pretty sure that's it.


Full tank gear....would be a useless piece of **** in high end ranked wearing dps gear. He takes low slash though...completely incapacitates the other teams healer.


With the specs you play, probably. If you have the marauder play carnage, the sin could do DPS gear. The team I run with when I'm not carrying Meganub here runs a dark maul sin in DPS gear for a tank, me as carnage and a madness sorc. You could do something similar with you taking the place of the sorc. You lose out on a second WW though which is huge.

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Thanks for the clarification. I hope i get a chance to run against you guys again this week. Had some fun matches last week playing with Alba. Still trying to find a place/team to get locked in for S1 on my main. Good competition is always a blast! Take care.
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On a more serious note,

I personally prefer neural overload for the ion spec and drop 2% fire dmg for it wich isnt a biggy since you'll be using your basic attack a decent amount of the time to keep your heat low + it can help if you're being kited and got everything else on cd while you're closing in on your target or simply with peeling :>


Also I dropped prototype cylinders for this spec cause it hardly does anything and went for 1% extra dmg reduction instead.


And I dropped rail loaders for combust, since you don't get the autocrits in this spec for rail shot and 6% more dmg done with it isn't significant enough compared to your enemy doing 5% less dmg overall.


And last but not least for debate, utility from ion overload vs 4% fire dmg, discuss!

Personally I love it cause you lack the increased movement speed due to loss of pneumatic boots and you aint really wanna spam retractable blade to keep someone slowed, so rocket punch adding a slow is pretty lovely.


To make things more clear of what I run with here is the link:


Lose a bit of dmg on paper but gain more uptime especially on ranged and you can peel/kite a bit better.



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The "tank" runs a shield generator with DPS mods. Pretty sure that's it.




With the specs you play, probably. If you have the marauder play carnage, the sin could do DPS gear. The team I run with when I'm not carrying Meganub here runs a dark maul sin in DPS gear for a tank, me as carnage and a madness sorc. You could do something similar with you taking the place of the sorc. You lose out on a second WW though which is huge.


So basically you run 4 squishy's? oO? Don't see the second WW being an issue TBH considering the 2 dps would be sitting on the squishy sorc and your healer the entire game so he would never get to cast it... lol at least if he got to cast that against a team was playing in i would certainly be asking *** happened.


On a more serious note,

I personally prefer neural overload for the ion spec and drop 2% fire dmg for it wich isnt a biggy since you'll be using your basic attack a decent amount of the time to keep your heat low + it can help if you're being kited and got everything else on cd while you're closing in on your target or simply with peeling :>


Also I dropped prototype cylinders for this spec cause it hardly does anything and went for 1% extra dmg reduction instead.


And I dropped rail loaders for combust, since you don't get the autocrits in this spec for rail shot and 6% more dmg done with it isn't significant enough compared to your enemy doing 5% less dmg overall.


And last but not least for debate, utility from ion overload vs 4% fire dmg, discuss!

Personally I love it cause you lack the increased movement speed due to loss of pneumatic boots and you aint really wanna spam retractable blade to keep someone slowed, so rocket punch adding a slow is pretty lovely.


To make things more clear of what I run with here is the link:


Lose a bit of dmg on paper but gain more uptime especially on ranged and you can peel/kite a bit better.




I play http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301G0hMzZrcrrobRRzGG.3

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Thanks for the guide,


definitely helped me being better, still learning tho.


Just out of pure curiosity, I remember in the old days of hybrids (karolina parakeet or whatever was the name) I used to be 90% of the time in the top 2 dmg dealers in WZs, but now I'm most of the time in the middle.


While I don't think it's dramatic (still prefer focusing on objectives points than raw dmg), but I am curious as it may indicate that I do things wrong with my PT, so where do you guys end up most of the time in WZs dmg wise ?

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