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Event authorization requirement still present for an item.


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Greeting Bioware,

I am writing this to report an issue I experienced recently.

The issue occured 1 week ago, considered today is 04.11.2013. My account status was Status Preffered then!


Since patch 2.3.1 event equipment authorization has been removed as a requirement to wear such kind of gear for free-to-play and status preffered account type players.


" ....


Authorization: Event Equipment Requisition has been removed from the Cartel Market. All players now have access to Event equipment. "


The two-handed gray helix lightsaber (gree event one) however still "Requires Event Authorization". I was frustrated at first because I could equip the whole Gree set (head/chest/etc.) to the unauthorized charecter, except for the lightsaber. I also came upon authorization on the GTN for 500k credits and I took it. When I tried to use the authorization I got an error message: "This unlock has already been applied to your charecter.", which is impossible because I have created the charecter some hours ago.

I hope that the requirement for the lightsaber is a misunderstanding or a "bug" that can be resolved, because in the future:

a) There is no way such kind of issue to occur for Subscribers

b) There is no way for people who get this kind of issue to report it.

I believe I will help people that are experiencing this with my post! Please excuse me I'm reporting an accidental issue or if it has already been reported. Additional info of the subject charecter: Ama'ar, Imperial side, The Progenitor(RP). Fortunately (or not) I subscribed now and was unable to fetch screenshots. Thank you for your time! :)

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