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Old Player is Back, so whats New!


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So hows it going gals and guys?

im a old player thats been gone for some months and decided to sub up agian.:cool:

Some of you might now me if any of the old players are still here that is. for those that dont Hello and nice to meet you all.

So how healty are the player bases nowadays and whats new? i kinda stopped playing at launch of the hutt cartel if i recall correctly.


Anything i should really really know? game changes etc,

Noticed you can get a tauntain mount now...now thats something im gonna hafto get

Basicly id like to know how healthy is the game right now, is any of the old timers still around ?

for now ive got like 5 50's i gotta setup and see i can remember how to play haha and setting up UI and everything that comes with forgetting just about everything wich i tend to do when i stop playing for a while

(man gotta love being a newb all over again)


Hows the Pve - PvP on the Progenitor Server nowadays? healthy or dead?

anyways its good to be back. time for Darth Harvey to come out of Retirement and start doing some serious damage again and not to mention Domrin's gotta clear the dust of his cannon and start Blasting whatever needs blasting back to the hole it crawled out from :D

and all the other toons as well !

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WB !


As far as new things since RotHC launched....

1) CZ 198 & Oricon Pve Areas (with achievements & reps)

2) Several new ops

3) Several new HMs (new versions of the other SM FPs that didn't have a HM ~ now we have all except Red Reaper)

4) the 4v4 WZ arenas

5) the Bounty Hunter Event (with achievements & rep)


oodles and oodles of CM gear/mounts/pets


Overall the server is doing well. Most of the long time players who have been around since server transfers have continued to stick it out. There have been a few that have disappeared, but there's also a healthy number of newer players who are playing regularly. The server stays quite busy during peak times, though it's difficult to get a WZ pop in off hours.


F2P sems to have brought in a few more selfish players than their used to be. Ninjas are everywhere....but that's ninjas for ya. Most of the long time guilds seem to still be going strong.

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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Ok so im seeing a new trend thats popped up since i was away or atleast hell of alot more of it and seems just acceptable to most people.

i dunno how many times its happened now since i got back but almost 50% of the time when i get in to a Hardmode group the healer or tank arent really a healer or tank. their not specced for it or have gear for it. just causing loads of problems. sure i get it que as a tank or healer and your wait time for a HM is more or less instant. but i mean jesus the problems it causes and these ...lets just call them Lemons... just dont give a rats *** cause the rest of the party are to afraid to vote them out cause then you would hafto wait for a proper tank or healer to show up.


Not acceptable we cant let these "lemons" ruin it for the rest of us. i say Stand up to them and vote them out.

Plus the Dungeon finder shouldent even let you que as something if your not specced for it. im a Jugg and sure i can sign up as Tank or dps but should only allow me to tick in the Build im on when i try to sign up,


Also on a side not, i dident think ninjaing could get worse but somehow it has, anyway just wanted to vent abit and try and make our fine server stand up to these "lemons"

thats all for now Harvey out!

Edited by Smoochi
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