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Struggling to level (52 Maura)


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After taking a bit of a break after RotHC came out in which I never even managed to get to 55 I decided to come back and start playing again, but I'm having so much trouble leveling. I'm nearly dieing on every group of mobs I try to take on in Makeb it's truly frustrating. I've tried changing companions but I seem to die even quicker if I don't use Quinn. I've tried both Ahni and Rage specs but nothing seems to be working. I'm using mostly Columi gear I picked up pre-RotHC. Can anyone help me out?
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Columi gear isn't really all that good. I don't know what rating it is exactly but chances are you'd get an upgrade from equipping green quality items form makeb (which are dirt cheap all over the GTN, search for anything level 51 and more).

But that's a better way to gear up your companions than yourself, you should probably try running some flashpoints and buy whatever mods you can with makeb commendations. Columi gear is grade 51 I think ? level 50 flashpoints now drop black hole gear (61) and the makeb commendations vendor sells 58 mods, all artifact quality, so that would be a solid upgrade.


Once you hit level 53 you will have access to grade 66 gear and some of the best implants and earpieces, available through the GTN (drops from level 55 flashpoints and the Oricon daily area, which you can't access yet, but if you've got credits it's not very expensive)


Also for your spec it might be worth respeccing into rage, considering most of the fighting involves large numbers of weak and normal enemies. A double saber throw followed by a good lolsmash tends to take care of that quickly. :D

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