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Skill animations?


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Visually game is superior to a lot of mmos, but animation is a bit stiff. I'm playing marauder and I feel like skills need more than one animation, things get really repetitive in endgame and seeing my char swing saber in the same way every single time is a bit sad. I understand that changing animations and making them more fluid is hard work, and may reflect on game performance, so adding additional animations to popular skills may not be a bad idea. Right?
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Let me ask you something, how many way can you concievably come up with to swing 2 swords in ways that would be UNIQUE?


I say unique because other players in pvp need to be able to recognize a skill visually. Which is why every attack but the auto attack has a specific animation.


It does not end there however, each animation has a defensive animation that co-ordinates with it. When a tank blocks a master strike for example and is not spamming skills themselves, the tank will use a specific block sequence so the fight looks like it is going back and forth.


So now you have two things you are askign for. New unique animations for skills, with their corosponding blocks for defenders. Not to mentiont hat the attacks have to be truly unique so as not to be mistaken for auto attacks...and their are only so many ways one can swing a sword and have it be remotely believable (so far the attacks used by the Jedi have been real sword manuevers more or less, some extended a bit more than normal and some sped up for the sake of gameplay but...they are all real, no fake BS over the top fantasy manuevers, move force leap to a 5m jump and you have a "braver" manuever...for example).

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UNIQUE blah blah blah...

Not really no, I was talking about PVE, but in pvp when I spam massacre as a marauder, I see no defensive animations, and when someone attacks me in pvp I don't pay attention either to their attack animation or their defense animation, most players look at their quickbar and enemy cast bar.

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