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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Suggestion: Option to turn off experience gain


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This would be a feature that a lot of people would appreciate, and that would not have a negative impact on anyone who doesn't care to use it.


Hmm a transitive buff system would probably need a preferences checkbox for "Accept Transitive Buffs". That, or right-clicking the shared buff would keep it from being re-applied until the next nightly server-reset time.

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Instead of double XP weekend, they should just send us Double XP bound boosts, that burn up like the 25% ones found in the CM and on GTN, but these would last 24hours, not 3.... How about 1 per toon.


This way,, people that dont want it dont use it, people that work weekends still get a chance to use double XP. To me, this would be a win win for both sides.


We have a winner. The above is, in my opinion, a great suggestion.

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We have a winner. The above is, in my opinion, a great suggestion.




the thing with my suggestion ,is the mechanic is already in place. They already have the system that works with boosts, they already have a system to mail out stuff to individual toons. All they have to do is create bound XP boosts that run at 100% and last 24 hours of playing time. No fancy programming required to make both sides happy.... But I am not a programmer, I am assuming my idea is simple to implement and an effective solution to both lovers and haters of double XP.


Why I do not think they will add an "off" feature is because to enable double XP, is like turning on a switch, but to have a off feature, per account, is probably lots of programming overhead. Otherwise, its silly they would not do it. Now, with 12 toons and my wife with 14, we like double XP.... but that also means we have to basically lock our self in the house, on a weekend to do it.


I do think it is WRONG for it to be forced though... Or to have to sacrifice specific days to the event is also a bit unfair. Many work weekends and have a life outside the game, give them a chance to enjoy double XP without impacting peoples schedule.


And make them bound, so they can't be sold or traded.... use it or do not, no other benefit.

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Instead of double XP weekend, they should just send us Double XP bound boosts, that burn up like the 25% ones found in the CM and on GTN, but these would last 24hours, not 3.... How about 1 per toon.


This way,, people that dont want it dont use it, people that work weekends still get a chance to use double XP. To me, this would be a win win for both sides.


Actually to get the same amount of double-XP time, we should receive 3 stims per character. Double-XP weekend usually starts early Friday and goes thru Sunday, I think.

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Actually to get the same amount of double-XP time, we should receive 3 stims per character. Double-XP weekend usually starts early Friday and goes thru Sunday, I think.


Good point... and it runs through till mid Monday too. They can also possibly make them with a time limit even, use by a certain date, or they vanish. I get the impression, BW does want some control over when you can level up fast.


In the end, they can decide how many you get or if it should be a single 48 hour boost hour boost, 2 24's, 3 24's, maybe 4 12's.... I figured, the idea is out at least for them to do it this way (using consumable boosts), but those smaller details, like how many or how long does need some thought, and perhaps debate. ;)


I suggested 24 hours, but you are right that it is probably not enough...

Edited by Themanthatisi
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This would be a feature that a lot of people would appreciate, and that would not have a negative impact on anyone who doesn't care to use it.


Still think more people would use a mentor system rather than a exp off system.

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Just want to remind the devs that this has been requested for years now. I am assuming that the level-syncing was meant to try to take care of this issue, but it doesn't. Not really. I'm fine with level-syncing, and it may be enough for some folks, but the content isn't challenging when you're synced to 5 levels over the mobs.

I would really, really, really appreciate a function to turn off XP gain in PvE. I just started playing again and am thinking about canceling my sub in order to reduce my XP gain. I can't comprehend how adding this function is so difficult that BW has not added it despite requests for it for 4 years.


Please Bioware, it hurts no one to add a function most won't use, but will be greatly appreciated by the completionists who play your game.

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