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Bugs with Maelstrom Prison FP


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Here are some bugs I noticed with the Maelstrom Prison flashpoint (they happen in both SM and HM):


1) When you encounter the three Maelstrom Elite Guards, Kilran says something along the lines of:

"I had hoped to meet you personally, but Lord Vanithrast reached you before me. There won't be much left when he's finished with you."

At this point in the Flashpoint, you have already long defeated Lord Vanithrast, so this voice-over needs to happen a few rooms earlier to make sense storywise.


2) The final boss of the flashpoint, Rycus Kilran, is always entering his 2nd phase at the beginning of the fight. In 1.0, you first had to kill the adds and damage him for a few percent before this happened, but for the last few months or so, he would already jump to the back and spawn the next set of adds, even if he's still at 100% health and the first adds are still alive. I had this bug wipe us in a few SM runs already; in HM you can easily just heal through it.

To fix this bug, have him wait until the first adds are killed before starting phase 2.


3) The phase exit is not an obstacle. Because of that, you can leave the phase but still stay in the flashpoint area if you jump down the platform and die from falling damage. You will then be stuck at the start of the flashpoint, but since you are no longer in a phase, all the clickable objects are gone. You are not allowed to use the Fleet Travel there; the only way to leave the area is via the Legacy Transport to your Spaceship if you have unlocked it.

Edited by Jerba
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  • 2 months later...

As an update to 2), this only happens right after the video sequence. When you wipe and go back to the boss, Kilran always starts in P2.


There are some other bugs as well, like the blaster fire from the elite droids looking as if it is coming from the ceiling and not from the droids itself.


In addition to that, the consoles you have to destroy do not turn off after you have finished the bonus; i.e. you can still click the last two consoles when you have finished the quest even though they do nothing. This is confusing because some players are always walking toward them because they light up blue.


And finally, in the last quest before the bonus boss where you need to click the four consoles, the quest icons are bugged. The map shows four icons even after you clicked a console. Ideally, an icon should disappear after the respective console has been clicked so that you know which console you are still missing,

Edited by Jerba
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